
Friday, May 12, 2017

Jack Fischer Preps for First Spacewalk | International Space Station

U.S. Astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fischer have reviewed procedures for Friday morning’s spacewalk. The duo will replace an avionics box that sends electricity and data to science experiments installed outside the space station. Flight Engineer Thomas Pesquet will assist the spacewalkers from inside the station. This will be the 200th spacewalk at the station for assembly and maintenance, the ninth for Whitson and the first for Fischer.

ESA Astronaut Thomas Pesquet of France: "Not very common to see a spacesuit INSIDE the ISS! We verified 2fish’s fit check, so that everything is ready for Friday when he and Peggy will go out. He seized the opportunity to explore a little bit inside! I guess it’s the first ever IVA (intra vehicular activity) in the history of the ISS program!"

"Ce n’est pas tous les jours qu’on voit un astronaute dans un scaphandre DANS la Station ! Dans la perspective de la sortie extravéhiculaire de Peggy et Jack vendredi prochain, nous avons procédé à une vérification des combinaisons… Et mon coéquipier en a profité pour explorer un peu la Station vêtu tel quel ! Probablement la première activité « intravéhiculaire » de l’histoire du programme ISS ;)"

Credit: ESA/NASA
Image Date: May 9, 2017

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