
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hurricane Gert, Atlantic Ocean | EUMETSAT

Composite image showing Hurricane Gert in the Atlantic, from 09:00 UTC on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.

For more information, visit the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) web site:

Infrared data from the geostationary satellites of EUMETSAT and NOAA overlays a computer-generated model of the Earth, containing NASA's Blue Marble Next Generation imagery.

Credit & Copyright: 2017 EUMETSAT
Image Date: August 15, 2017

#NASA #EUMETSAT #Satellite #Space #Earth #Hurricane #Gert #Storm #Atlantic #Ocean #Weather #Meteorology #Infrared #BlueMarble #Goddard #GSFC #NOAA #UnitedStates #Europe #STEM #Education

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