
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Cosmonauts at work | International Space Station

ESA Astronaut Alexander Gerst: "The ultimate workplace. Cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Prokopyev successfully installed the Icarus experiment antenna on the outside hull of the International Space Station during 7 hour 46 minute-long spacewalk—RS-EVA-45."

"Der abgelegenste Arbeitsplatz"
"Der abgelegenste Arbeitsplatz der Welt. Meine Freunde Oleg und Sergey haben eben erfolgreich die Antenne des Icarus Experiments auf der Außenhülle der ISS installiert."

Icarus is a collaborative environmental experiment between Germany and Russia that studies the migratory patterns of small animals on Earth. It consists of an antenna and GPS hardware to track the movements of animals that have been tagged with small GPS receivers. The experiment may provide data about how animals move from one location to another, how animal population density shifts over time, and how diseases spread.

Expedition 56 Flight Engineers Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Prokopyev of the Russian space agency Roscosmos have completed a spacewalk lasting 7 hours and 46 minutes.

The two cosmonauts opened the hatch to the Pirs docking compartment to begin the spacewalk at 12:17 p.m. EDT on August 15, 2018. They re-entered the airlock and closed the hatch at 8:03 p.m. EDT.

During the spacewalk, the duo manually launched four small technology satellites and installed an experiment called Icarus onto the Russian segment of the space station.

It was the 212th spacewalk in support of International Space Station assembly, maintenance and upgrades, the third in Artemyev’s career and the first for Prokopyev.

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Credit: ESA/NASA-A.Gerst
Image Date: August 15, 2018
Release Date: August 16, 2018

#NASA #Space #ISS #Science #Earth #EVA #Spacewalk #Cosmonauts #космонавт #OlegArtemyev #SergeyProkopyev #Роскосмос #Russia #Россия #Icarus #Animal #Experiment #Astronaut #AlexanderGerst #Horizons #Europe #Germany #Deutschland #Expedition56 #Human #Spaceflight #Spacecraft #Photography #STEM #Education #International #OrbitalPerspective #OverviewEffect

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