
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Typhoon Soulik | NASA Terra Satellite

At 10:50 a.m. Japan/Korea Standard Time (01:50 Universal Time) on August 20, 2018, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite acquired this natural-color image of Typhoon Soulik as it neared Japan.

The storm carried maximum sustained winds of 115 miles per hour (100 knots)—the equivalent of a category 3 storm on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale. Forecasts called for Soulik’s track to move over Japan’s Amami Islands and then curve north toward the Korean Peninsula.

Meanwhile, Typhoon Cimaron is strengthening in the Northwest Pacific Basin. Forecasts indicate it could hit Japan later in the week.

Update: On Aug. 21 at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 UTC) Joint Typhoon Warning Center or JTWC noted Typhoon Soulik was located approximately 194 nautical miles north-northeast of Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, tracking northwestward at 15 mph (13 knots/24 kph). Maximum sustained winds were near 109 mph (95 knots/176 kph).

Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)

Global Disaster Alerting Coordination System (GDACS)

Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory image by Kathryn Hansen, using MODIS data from LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response
Caption Credit: Kathryn Hansen
Image Date: August 20, 2018

#NASA #Earth #Space #Satellite #Planet #Atmosphere #Typhoon #Soulik #Storm #Weather #Japan #日本 #Pacific #Ocean #Terra #MODIS #STEM #Education

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