
Monday, September 16, 2019

Real World: Small Bodies Orbiting the Sun | NASAeClips

Real World: Small Bodies Orbiting the Sun | NASAeClips

NASA eClips™ website:
Science for Students | In addition to planets and their moons, there are many small bodies orbiting the Sun. How did these bodies form? Learn more about comets and asteroids and the role these play in our Solar System.

NASA eClips™ are short, relevant educational video segments. These videos inspire and engage students, helping them see real world connections.

Real World connects classroom mathematics to 21st century careers and innovations and are designed for students to develop an appreciation for mathematics through real-world problem-solving.

Credit: NASAeClips
Duration: 3 minutes, 9 seconds

#NASA #Astronomy #Space #Science #Asteroids #Comets #Planet #SolarSystem #Goddard #GSFC #STEM #Education #Video

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