
Friday, February 18, 2022

Roving with Perseverance: Findings from One Year on Mars | NASA JPL

Roving with Perseverance: Findings from One Year on Mars | NASA JPL


(Public Talk) After a year on the Red Planet, what can Perseverance teach us about Mars’ watery past and our potential future? 

Theodore von Kármán Lecture Series


—Jennifer Trosper, Mars 2020 Project Manager, NASA/JPL

—Dr. Katie Stack Morgan, Deputy Project Scientist, Mars 2020, NASA/JPL


Brian White, Public Services Office, NASA/JPL


Nikki Wyrick, Public Services Office, NASA/JPL

Follow the Perseverance rover's journey on Mars:

Theodore von Kármán was a Hungarian-American mathematician, aerospace engineer, and physicist who was active primarily in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. He was responsible for many key advances in aerodynamics, notably on supersonic and hypersonic airflow characterization. He is regarded as an outstanding aerodynamic theoretician of the 20th century. (Source: Wikipedia)

Credit: NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Duration: 52 minutes, 33 seconds

Record Date: February 17, 2022

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Mars #Mars2020 #RedPlanet #Planet #Geology #Perseverance #Rover #Robotics #Exploration #SolarSystem #TheodorevonKármán #Lecture #JPL #Pasadena #California #UnitedStates #JourneyToMars #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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