
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Meet Bob Hines, NASA's Crew-4 Pilot

Meet Bob Hines, NASA's Crew-4 Pilot

It was an innate desire to explore that led Bob Hines into the Air Force, and now has him poised for his first trip to space as the pilot on NASA’s SpaceX Crew-4 mission to the International Space Station.  Hear the story of his childhood in an Army family and his desire to fly, which led Hines to become a test pilot and later a research pilot for NASA before he was chosen as an astronaut, and now has him on the cusp of having a lifelong dream come true.

NASA Astronaut Bob Hines Official Biography

Credit: NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Video Credits

Director: Sami Aziz

Producer: Gary Jordan

Editor/Sound Mixer: Jamie Quinn

Cinematographer: Charles Clendaniel

Duration: 3 minutes, 33 seconds

Release Date: April 27, 2022

#NASA #ESA #SpaceX #Falcon9 #Rocket #CrewDragon #Freedom #ISS #Earth #Science #Astronaut #Astronauts #KjellLindgren #JessicaWatkins #RobertHines #SamanthaCristoforetti #Minerva #Italy #Italia #Human #Spaceflight #Crew4 #LaunchComplex39A #Kennedy #KSC #Florida #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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