
Friday, September 16, 2022

Pan across Star Formation Region N11 | Hubble

Pan across Star Formation Region N11 | Hubble

Nearly 200,000 light-years from Earth, the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, floats in space, in a long and slow dance around our galaxy. As the Milky Way's gravity gently tugs on its neighbor's gas clouds, they collapse to form new stars. In turn, these light up the gas clouds in a kaleidoscope of colors.

This video pans across observations of LHA 120-N11, one of these regions of glowing dust and gas with ongoing star formation.

Credit: NASA, European Space Agency (ESA) 
Acknowledgement: Josh Lake
Duration: 56 seconds
Release Date: January 17, 2013

#NASA #ESA #Astronomy #Space #Science #Hubble #Stars #StarFormation #Nebula #N11 #LHA120N11 #30Doradus #TarantulaNebula #Dorado #Constellation #LMC #Galaxy #Cosmos #Universe #SpaceTelescope #STScI #GSFC #UnitedStates #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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