
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Supernova 1987A in The Large Magellanic Cloud | Hubble

Supernova 1987A in The Large Magellanic Cloud | Hubble

Image obtained with the European Southern Observatory Schmidt Telescope of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Supernova 1987A is clearly visible as the very bright star in the middle right. At the time of this image, the supernova was visible with the unaided eye from Earth.

Distance: 170,000 light years

Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Release Date: February 24, 2007

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #Star #Supernova #Supernova1987A #SN1987A #Dorado #Constellation #LMC #Galaxy #Cosmos #Universe #SchmidtTelescope #Chile #Europe #STEM #Education

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