
Monday, October 17, 2022

Zoom on Galaxy Cluster MACS J0647.7+7015 (annotated) | Hubble

Zoom on Galaxy Cluster MACS J0647.7+7015 (annotated) | Hubble

This video zooms in on Hubble observations of massive galaxy cluster MACS J0647.7+7015. Astronomers used the powerful gravity from the cluster to magnify the light from a very distant distant galaxy (highlighted at the end of the video), an effect called gravitational lensing. The estimated distance of the galaxy would make it the most distant seen to date, with a redshift of around 11.

Credit: NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), G. Bacon

Duration: 51 seconds

Release Date: February 17, 2016

#NASA #ESA #Astronomy #Space #Science #Hubble #Galaxies #GalaxyCluster #MACSJ0647 #MACSJ064777015 #Camelopardalis #Constellation #Cosmos #Universe #SpaceTelescope #STScI #GSFC #UnitedStates #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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