
Friday, October 07, 2022

Zooming in on Dwarf Irregular Galaxy Holmberg II | Hubble

Zooming in on Dwarf Irregular Galaxy Holmberg II | Hubble

This video shows the location of dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg II in the night sky. The galaxy is dominated by huge bubbles of glowing gas, which are visible in the NASA/European Space Agency Hubble Space Telescope image which the zoom sequence ends on.

Distance: 11 million light years

Credit: NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), Digitized Sky Survey 2

Release Date: February 17, 2016

#NASA #ESA #Astronomy #Space #Science #Hubble #Galaxy #HolmbergII #Dwarf #Irregular #UrsaMajor #Constellation #Cosmos #Universe #SpaceTelescope #GSFC #STScI #UnitedStates #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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