
Sunday, November 20, 2022

New Jupiter Images and Looking Back at Moons Io & Callisto | NASA Juno Mission

New Jupiter Images and Looking Back at Moons Io & Callisto | NASA Juno Mission

Juno Spots Two Jovian Moons: Callisto (below) and Io (above)

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is the best example of a gas giant that we have. Learning its history will help us understand the hundreds of giant planets we have discovered orbiting other stars.

Image 1: Jupiter - PJ46-97 (11-09-22)RD
Image 2: Jupiter - PJ46-86 (11-11-22)RD
Image 3: Jupiter - PJ46-80 (11-09-22)RD
Image 4: Jupiter - PJ46-111 (11-10-22)RD
Image 5: Jupiter - PJ46-112 (11-09-22)RD
Image 6: Jupiter - PJ46-119 (11-09-22)RD
Image 7: Jupiter & Moons Callisto (below) and Io (above) [11-29-21]

Juno Mission

Launched: Aug. 5, 2011

Arrival at Jupiter:  July 4, 2016

Goal: Understand origin and evolution of Jupiter, look for solid planetary core, map magnetic field, measure water and ammonia in deep atmosphere, observe auroras.

Juno is the second spacecraft to orbit Jupiter, after the nuclear powered Galileo orbiter, which orbited between 1995 and 2003. Unlike earlier spacecraft sent to the outer planets, Juno is powered by solar panels. Radioisotope thermoelectric generators are commonly used for missions to the outer Solar System and beyond. For Juno, the three largest solar panel wings ever deployed on a planetary probe play an integral role in stabilizing the spacecraft as well as in generating power. [Wikipedia]

More information about Juno: 

For more about Juno's science results:

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS

Image Processing: Kevin Gill (Images 1-6) Gerald Eichstädt/Thomas Thomopoulos (Image 7)

Image Release Dates: Nov. 29, 2021- Nov. 10, 2022

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