
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Download Free NASA Commercial Crew 2023 Children's Artwork Calendar

Download Free NASA Commercial Crew 2023 Children's Artwork Calendar

Download Free Adobe PDF 2023 CCP Children's Artwork Calendar (2.5MB) here (English):

Congratulations to this year’s winners of the 2023 Commercial Crew Program (CCP) Children’s Artwork Contest! 

The contest—designed to get our youth excited about science, technology, engineering and math and to inspire our future scientists, engineers and explorers—ran from Sept. 2 through Oct. 27. The contest asked young artists ages 4-12 years old to submit unique and original masterpieces featuring NASA themes: Rockets and Spacecraft, Living and Working in Space, Exploring the Solar System, and Astronauts.

Kids from all over the world submitted 2,260 entries, which were judged on originality and composition. A total of 36 entrants were selected first, second, or third place winners in each theme and age category. 

Thank you to all our incredible artists! NASA’s Commercial Crew Program is working hard to make living and working in space safe and affordable for people all around the world. When you grow up, there could be many different spacecraft taking scientists, researchers, educators, and even tourists to different low-Earth orbit destinations like space stations, laboratories, and hotels! The science NASA’s Commercial Crew Program helps enable in space is making life better here on Earth and helping explorers go back to the Moon and on to Mars.

2023 CCP Children's Artwork Calendar

Category: Rockets and Spacecraft

Ages 4 to 6

1st - SpaceX Dragon Crew-5, Kaushik, I., USA

2nd - NASA Rocket Launch Day, Kim, T., South Korea

3rd - Rockets and Spacecraft, J, Achyutkemparaj, India

KSC 2023 CCP Childrens Artwork Calendar Cover

Ages 7 to 9                                                   

1st - Artemis from the Moon to Mars, Costa, L., USA

2nd - Hello Future!, Yoo, J., South Korea

3rd - NASA & Galaxy, Yeo, S., USA

Ages 10 to 12                                                          

1st - A Long Flight to Mars, Zhang, X., USA / China

2nd - Rocket to Freedom, Wynar, M., USA

3rd - Working in Space, Lee, J., China / South Korea

Category: Exploring the Solar System

Ages 4 to 6                                                   

1st - Reach for the Stars, Chandra, A., USA      

2nd - Dancing with Planets, Jung, Y., South Korea                  

3rd - They are Smiling at Me, Zhou, C., USA     

Ages 7 to 9

1st - Exploring the Solar System, Chavala, H., USA / India     

2nd - Out in Space, Kimmel, G., USA      

3rd - My Happy Space, Sidharth, S., India          

Ages 10 to 12

1st - Puzzled Solar System, Thomas, E., USA

2nd - Each Planet has its Purpose , Lee, S., South Korea

3rd - Space Exploration of our Dreams, Yun, H., South Korea

KSC 2023 CCP Childrens Artwork Calendar Back Cover

Category: Living and Working in Space

Ages 4 to 6

1st - Dance my Dream in the Space, Zhou, E., USA

2nd - Art in Space, Yu, A., USA

3rd - Growing up in Space, Hui, M., Canada

Ages 7 to 9

1st - Atmosphere for Life, Usman Adnan Sheikh, M., Pakistan

2nd - Astronaut's Yummy Breakfast in Space, Niu, J., USA / China

3rd - IMAGI-SPACE, Christopher, N., India

Ages 10 to 12

1st - Living and Working in Space, Reddy, M., India

2nd - Daily Life in Space, Lee, M., USA

3rd - Jewelry Making Process in Space, Lee, S., South Korea

Category: Astronauts

Ages 4 to 6

1st - The Colors of the Life, Maity, A., UAE / India

2nd - Hello Astronauts, Fung, T., USA

3rd - Astronauts: Enjoying Coffee Time in Space, Mohapatra, A., India

Ages 7 to 9

1st - Astronaut on the Moon, Gleason, A., USA

2nd - World Peace on the Moon, Kim, S., USA / South Korea

3rd - Space…Playground of the Astronauts!, Rahman, A., India

Ages 10 to 12

1st - Exploring the Vast Beyond, Appou, G., USA

2nd - Me as Astronauts, Thiththika, A., India

3rd - Outer Space, Tong, S., USA

Credit: Commercial Crew Program, Kennedy Space Center (KSC)

Thank you to SciArt Exchange for helping NASA conduct this year’s contest.

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