Saturday, February 11, 2023

Landsat 8 Earth Satellite: A Decade of Service (2013-2023) | NASA Goddard

Landsat 8 Earth Satellite: A Decade of Service (2013-2023) | NASA Goddard

February 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of Landsat 8, launched by NASA in 2013 and operated by the US Geological Survey (USGS). Equipped with its Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) onboard instruments, Landsat 8 represented a significant advance in remote sensing technology and was the first to allow everyone in the world fully free and open access to its data from first light. In celebration of a decade of service, let us take a look back at some of the remarkable ways Landsat 8 has fundamentally altered the way we see our world.

Learn more:

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Scientific Visualization Studio

Chris Burns [KBRWyle]: Lead Producer

Chris Burns [KBRWyle]: Lead Writer

Duration: 9 minutes

Release Date: Feb. 11, 2023

#NASA #Space #Science #Earth #Planet #Atmosphere #Meteorology #Satellite #Landsat8 #Landsat #EarthObservation #RemoteSensing #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #Environment #GSFC #USGS #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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