
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Milky Way, Venus, Jupiter & Zodiacal Light over Slovakia

The Milky Way, Venus, Jupiter & Zodiacal Light over Slovakia

Ondrej Králik: "After sunset, bright Venus and Jupiter shines on the western horizon. The dark sky made it possible to observe the zodiacal light with all the beautiful winter constellations."

Zodiacal light is related to the Earth’s path through space, as the dust particles responsible for scattering the sunlight are all within a cloud that lies on the ecliptic plane (dubbed the zodiacal cloud). 

Technical details: Canon 6Dmod + Sigma 35mm, f1.4@f2.8, ISO 6400, 13sec, panorama

Image Credit: Ondrej Králik

Ondrej's website:

Location: Chata pod Kráľovou Hoľou (1440m), Slovakia, Central Europe

Image Date: Feb. 14, 2023

Release Date: Feb. 21, 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #MilkyWayGalaxy #SolarSystem #Planets #Earth #ZodiacalLight #Venus #Jupiter #CitizenScience #OndrejKrálik #Astrophotographer #Astrophotography #Panorama #Skywatching #Cosmos #Universe #SolarSystem #Europe #Slovakia #Slovenská #STEM #Education

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