
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Blue Origin BE-7 Thrust Chamber Assembly Hotfire Test | NASA Marshall

Blue Origin BE-7 Thrust Chamber Assembly Hotfire Test | NASA Marshall

On March 20, 2023, Blue Origin's BE-7 team conducted another successful Thrust Chamber Assembly (TCA) test at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Test Stand 116 in Huntsville, Alabama. Our tests on an upgraded TCA bring our cumulative test time to more than 4,000 seconds, and we are on track in our engine development path. This was a self-funded test as part of our campaign to advance our lunar capabilities.

Credit: Blue Origin

Duration: 40 seconds

Release Date: March 28, 2023  

#NASA #Space #Moon #LunarExploration #Science #Technology #BlueOrigin #BE7Team #ThrustChamberAssembly #TCA #RocketEngine #EngineTest #NASAMarshall #MSFC #Huntsville #Alabama #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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