
Monday, April 10, 2023

Jellyfish Galaxy JO204: Shaped by Ram Pressure | Hubble

Jellyfish Galaxy JO204: Shaped by Ram Pressure | Hubble

Here we see JO204, a ‘jellyfish galaxy’ so named for the bright tendrils of gas that appear in this image to be drifting lazily below JO204’s bright central bulk. The galaxy lies almost 600 million light-years away in the constellation Sextans. This image was captured by the NASA/European Space Agency Hubble Space Telescope thanks to a survey in which observations were made of six fascinating jellyfish galaxies, including JO204. This survey was performed with the intention of better understanding star formation under extreme conditions. 

[Image Description: A spiral galaxy in the center is tilted almost edge-on. The bright core and spiral arms can just be seen from the top. A slight glow surrounds it. Below, strands made of bright blue patches trail down like tentacles. On the left it is just touched by a second, faint and dim galaxy. The background is very dark, with only a few other stars and tiny galaxies visible.]

Given the dreamy appearance of this image, it would be understandable to wonder why jellyfish galaxies should be such a crucible for star formation. The answer is that—as is often the case with astronomy—first appearances can be deceiving. While the delicate ribbons of gas beneath JO204 may look like floating jellyfish tentacles, they are in fact the outcome of an intense astronomical process known as ram pressure stripping.

Ram pressure is a particular type of pressure exerted on a body when it moves relative to a fluid. An intuitive example is the sensation of pressure you experience when you are standing in an intense gust of wind—the wind is a moving fluid, and your body feels pressure from it. An extension of this analogy is that your body will remain whole and coherent, but the more loosely bound things—like your hair and your clothes—will flap in the wind. The same is true for jellyfish galaxies. They experience ram pressure because of their movement against the intergalactic medium that fills the spaces between galaxies in a galaxy cluster. The galaxies experience intense pressure from that movement, and as a result their more loosely bound gas is stripped away. This gas is mostly the colder and denser gas in the galaxy—gas which, when stirred and compressed by the ram pressure, collapses and forms new stars in the jellyfish’s beautiful tendrils.

Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, M. Gullieuszik and the GASP team
Release Date: April 10, 2023


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