Monday, May 08, 2023

Mexico's Espíritu Santo Archipelago | International Space Station

Mexico's Espíritu Santo Archipelago | International Space Station

The island group off Mexico’s Baja California Sur has eroded slowly, preserving evidence of past human activity. An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this photograph of an island group in the Gulf of California near the southeastern edge of Baja California Sur. Sunglint reflects off the water surface, accentuating wave movement, ship wakes, and cloud shadows.

The island group comprises two large islands, Isla del Espíritu Santo and Isla La Partida, as well as several smaller surrounding islands, Isla Ballena, Gallo, Gallina, and Los Islotes. The islands appear rust-colored due to previous tectonic and volcanic activity that deposited layers of black lava and pink volcanic ash.

The Baja Peninsula acts as a natural wind and wave break that protects islands in the Gulf of California from erosion. Slowed erosion has resulted in the preservation of rock shelters and caves. Exploration and excavation of these shelters contribute to understanding the geomorphology, geology, and ancient human patterns on the islands. Archeologists have found human artifacts artifacts dating back approximately ten thousand years, providing evidence of human activity on the islands.

As part of a Gulf of California UNESCO World Heritage Site, the islands and surrounding waters are protected in order to support bird migration, endemic species, and marine life. The diverse wetlands and the preserved reef systems provide food and shelter to many species, including the endemic antelope squirrel, blue-spotted jawfish, and black-tailed brush lizard.  There is also a diverse bird population in the area, including brown pelicans, great blue herons, and hummingbirds.

Astronaut photograph ISS067-E-286000 was acquired with a Nikon D5 digital camera using a focal length of 400 millimeters. 

Image Credit: ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center

Image Date: Aug. 20, 2022

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