Monday, May 08, 2023

Monoceros R2 Star-forming Region: Infrared/Visible Light Crossfade | ESO

Monoceros R2 Star-forming Region: Infrared/Visible Light Crossfade | ESO

This video fades back and forth between views of the stellar nursery Monoceros R2 in visible and infrared light. The visible-light view was created from digitized photographs through red and blue filters forming part of the Digitized Sky Survey 2 (DSS) and the new infrared view comes from the VISTA telescope at Paranal. In the infrared, the thick, rich, dust clouds that cover much of the image become nearly transparent and a whole host of young stars and associated outflows become apparent.

Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO)/J. Emerson/VISTA/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit

Duration: 51 seconds

Release Date: Nov. 27, 2015

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #StellarNursery #MonocerosR2 #Nebula #Monoceros #Constellation #MilkyWayGalaxy #Cosmos #Universe #Telescope #VISTASurveyTelescope #ParanalObservatory #Chile #SouthAmerica #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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