
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Russian Soyuz Rocket Launches Kondor Earth Observation Satellite | Roscosmos

Russian Soyuz Rocket Launches Kondor Earth Observation Satellite | Roscosmos

A Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle launched the Kondor-FKA No.1 satellite from the Vostochny Cosmodrome, Russia, on May 26, 2023, at 21:14 UTC (27 May, at 06:14 local time). According to Roscosmos, Kondor-FKA No.1 (Кондор-ФКА №1) is a civilian Earth observation satellite. 

The Vostochny Cosmodrome is a Russian spaceport above the 51st parallel north in the Amur Oblast, in the Russian Far East.

Credit: Roscosmos

Acknowledgement: SciNews

Duration: 3 minutes, 43 seconds

Release Date: May 26, 2023

#NASA #Roscosmos #Роскосмос #Space #Soyuz #Союз #Rocket #Satellite #KondorFKANo1 #Science #Earth #Planet #Russia #Россия #EarthObservation #RemoteSensing #CivilianSpace #VostochnyCosmodrome #KosmodromVostochny #Космодром Восточный #AmurOblast #RussianFarEast #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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