
Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Flaming Star Nebula: Another View

The Flaming Star Nebula: Another View

"The Flaming Star Nebula (also known as IC 405, SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31) is an emission and reflection nebula in the constellation Auriga. The nebula lies about 1,500 light-years away from Earth and spans about 5 light-years. The variable star AE Aurigae is the brightest star in the bright part of the nebula, and is emitting the energy that is causing the surrounding gas to glow. Most of the nebula is dominated by the red glow of hydrogen gas, and there is a blue reflection nebula patch near its core. This diffuse nebula gives the impression that the star is burning, hence its name. The red and blue colors of the nebula are present in different regions and are created by different processes."

Technical details:

Telescope: 16″ f3.75 Dream Scope

Camera: FLI ML16803

Mount: ASA DDM85

Exposure: 8 hours (42x300s L + 3x18x300s RGB)

Image Copyright & Credit: Bart Delsaert

Caption Credit: Bart Delsaert

Bart's website:

Capture Location: Southern Alps, France

Image Date: Date: Sept. 2020

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Nebulae #Nebula #FlamingStarNebula #ReflectionNebula #EmissionNebula #IC405 #SH2229 #Caldwell31 #Auriga #Constellation #Telescope #Astrophotography #BartDelsaert #CitizenScience #SouthernAlps #France #STEM #Education

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