
Friday, May 26, 2023

The Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga | Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

The Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga | Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

The Flaming Star Nebula (also known as IC 405, SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31) is an emission and reflection nebula in the constellation Auriga north of the celestial equator, surrounding the bluish, irregular variable star AE Aurigae. 

The nebula is about 5 light-years across.

Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405)

-  Data obtained using the MegaCam camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

-  Image by Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT) & Giovanni Anselmi (Coelum)

Credit & Copyright © 2023: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)/Coelum

Release Date: May 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Nebulae #Nebula #FlamingStarNebula #ReflectionNebula #EmissionNebula #IC405 #SH2229 #Caldwell31 #Auriga #Constellation #CanadaFranceHawaiiTelescope #Telescope #Hawaii #UnitedStates #STEM #Education

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