
Thursday, May 25, 2023

Very Large Telescope (VLT): Top 5 Science Results of Past 25 Years | ESO

Very Large Telescope (VLT): Top 5 Science Results of Past 25 Years | ESO

The first episode of Chasing Starlight brings you the top 5 science results made with the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT). The VLT is one of the most powerful optical telescopes on the planet and this year marks its 25th anniversary. Join ESO astronomer Suzanna Randall to learn about these results.

00:00 Introduction

01:47 Helping establish the accelerated expansion of the Universe

04:02 Observing first light from a gravitational-wave source

06:30 Studying interstellar objects

09:11 Taking the first image of an exoplanet

12:52 Confirming a supermassive compact object at the Milky Way's center

Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Duration: 16 minutes

Release Date: May 25, 2023

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #Stars #Planets #Exoplanets #Comets #Galaxies #Cosmos #Universe #Astronomer #SuzannaRandall #WomenInScience #WomenInSTEM #OpticalTelescope #VeryLargeTelescope #VLT #Chile #SouthAmerica #Europe #STEM #Education #History #ChasingStarlightSeries #HD #Video

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