
Friday, May 05, 2023

Zooming in on Planetary Nebula Abell 33 | European Southern Observatory

Zooming in on Planetary Nebula Abell 33 | European Southern Observatory

This zoom sequence starts with a broad view showing part of the long thin constellation of Hydra (The Female Water Snake). Towards the end a ghostly blue bubble can be seen, with a bright star on its edge, making it look like a diamond ring. This is the planetary nebula Abell 33. 

Distance: 2,500 light years 

Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO)/Digitized Sky Survey 2/M. Kornmesser

Duration: 50 seconds

Release Date: Nov. 27, 2015

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #Stars #Nebulae #PlanetaryNebula #Abell33 #Hydra #Constellation #MilkyWayGalaxy #Cosmos #Universe #Telescope #VLT #Chile #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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