Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Pacific Typhoon Khanun & Storm | International Space Station & NASA Suomi NPP

Pacific Typhoon Khanun & Storm | International Space Station & NASA Suomi NPP

Typhoon Khanun is pictured south of Nagoya, Japan, from the International Space Station as it orbited 259 miles above the Pacific Ocean on Aug. 13, 2023.
Typhoon Khanun is pictured south of Nagoya, Japan, from the International Space Station as it orbited 259 miles above the Pacific Ocean on Aug. 12, 2023.
Typhoon Khanun image from the NOAA-NASA Suomi NPP satellite on Aug. 8, 2023. The storm’s wandering path was the result of high-pressure systems near China and southern Japan that blocked the storm and caused it to make two sharp turns.
A storm in the southeast Pacific Ocean near the central coast of Chile is pictured from the International Space Station as it orbited 268 miles above on July 24, 2023.
A storm in the southeast Pacific Ocean near the central coast of Chile is pictured from the International Space Station as it orbited 268 miles above on July 24, 2023.

Typhoon Khanun is pictured south of Nagoya, Japan, from the International Space Station in Images 1& 2 as it orbited above the Pacific Ocean in early August 2023. A storm in the southeast Pacific Ocean, near the central coast of Chile, is pictured from the International Space Station as it orbited above the southeast Pacific Ocean in late July 2023.

After charting a zigzagging path that delivered damaging winds and rain to Japan’s Ryukyu Islands, Tropical Cyclone Khanun brushed Kyushu and headed toward the Korean Peninsula. The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the NOAA-NASA Suomi NPP satellite acquired the third image of Khanun in this series on August 8, 2023. At the time, the storm was moving to the north-northwest and had maximum sustained winds of 80 kilometers (50 miles) per hour. The storm’s wandering path was the result of high-pressure systems near China and southern Japan that blocked the storm and caused it to make two sharp turns.

Khanun is the sixth tropical storm of the 2023 typhoon season in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Colorado State University meteorologists tracking Khanun’s accumulated cyclone energy (ACE)—a metric that incorporates both intensity and duration—report that the total ACE for Northwest Pacific storms was 122 as of August 7, 2023; the average at this point in the season over the past three decades is 88. With an ACE of 25, Khanun accounts for one-fifth of the total for Northwest Pacific storms in 2023.

Images 1&2/4&5 Credit: NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC)/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Image 3 Credit: NASA Earth Observatory image by Michala Garrison, using VIIRS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE, GIBS/Worldview, and the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership. Storm track data from Weather Underground
Caption Credit: Adam Voiland

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