
Monday, August 07, 2023

Panning across The Cosmic Seagull: Nebula Sh2-296 | ESO

Panning across The Cosmic Seagull: Nebula Sh2-296 | ESO

This pan video explores the colorful and wispy Sharpless 2-296. This nebula forms the “wings” of an area of sky known as the Seagull Nebula—named for its resemblance to a gull in flight. This celestial bird contains a fascinating mix of intriguing astronomical objects. Glowing clouds weave amid dark dust lanes and bright stars. The Seagull Nebula—made up of dust, hydrogen, helium and traces of heavier elements—is the hot and energetic birthplace of new stars.

Distance: 3,500 light years

Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO)/VPHAS+ team/N.J. Wright (Keele University)

Duration: 1 minute, 10 seconds

Release Date: Aug. 7, 2019

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #Nebulae #Nebula #SeagullNebula #IC2177 #Sharpless2296 #Sh2296 #Monoceros #Constellation #MilkyWayGalaxy #Cosmos #Universe #VLTSurveyTelescope #ParanalObservatory #Chile #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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