
Monday, September 25, 2023

Asteroid Bennu Sample Processed for Study | NASA's OSIRIS-REx Mission

Asteroid Bennu Sample Processed for Study | NASA's OSIRIS-REx Mission

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx curation teams process the sample return capsule from NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission in a cleanroom, Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023, at the Department of Defense's Utah Test and Training Range. The sample was collected from the asteroid Bennu in October 2020 by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. 

The clean room team has finished disassembling the sample capsule and packaging its components, including the unopened sample canister. Now packed in shipping containers—along with the environmental samples the recovery team collected around the capsule’s landing site this—the items are scheduled to be delivered on Monday, Sept. 25, 2023, to their permanent home at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. 

Follow sample-delivery updates on NASA's OSIRIS-REx blog:


University of Arizona's OSIRIS-REx Mission Page:

Image Credit: NASA/Keegan Barber

Image Capture Date: Sept. 24, 2023

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