
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Pre-launch Ceremony for Shenzhou-17 Taikonauts | China Space Station

Pre-launch Ceremony for Shenzhou-17 Taikonauts | China Space Station

China is sending its youngest crew ever to the China Space Station. A send-off ceremony for the three Shenzhou-17 taikonauts traveling to the China Space Station was held Thursday morning, Oct. 26, 2023, local time at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. Three taikonauts, Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin, have been selected for the mission to the China Space Station (CSS), and Tang Hongbo is the commander.

After the ceremony, the Long March-2F Y17 rocket successfully launched the Shenzhou-17 crew spacecraft from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Shenzhou-17 is the sixth crew of three astronauts on a mission to the China Space Station.

China Shenzhou-17 Crew

Hongbo Tang (Commander)

Shengjie Tang (Mission Specialist)

Xinlin Jiang (Mission Specialist)

Shenzhou-17 will be the twelfth crewed and seventeenth flight overall of China's Shenzhou spaceflight program.

Credit: China Global Television Network (CGTN)

Duration: 4 minutes

Release Date: Oct. 25, 2023

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