
Friday, December 22, 2023

The Running Chicken Nebula: Labeled Version | ESO

The Running Chicken Nebula: Labeled Version | ESO

The Running Chicken Nebula has several clouds. The most prominent are labeled in this vast image from the VLT Survey Telescope (VST), hosted at the European Southern Observatory’s Paranal site. The bright star labeled Lambda Centauri is actually much closer to us than the nebula itself, and can be seen with the naked eye. The clouds shown in wispy pink plumes are full of gas and dust, illuminated by the young and hot stars within them. Overall, this image spans an area in the sky of about 25 full Moons. One is shown to scale for reference.

Credit: ESO/VPHAS+ team

Acknowledgement: CASU

Release Date: Dec. 21, 2023

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #Moon #Stars #Nebula #Nebula #EmissionNebula #IC2944 #IC2948 #RunningChickenNebula #Stars #LambdaCentauri #BokGlobules #Centaurus #Constellation #Cosmos #Universe #Telescope #VLT #ParanalObservatory #Chile #Europe #Infographic #STEM #Education

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