
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Axiom Mission 3 Crew Wave & ESA Astronaut Marcus Wandt | Ready for Launch

Axiom Mission 3 Crew Wave & ESA Astronaut Marcus Wandt | Ready for Launch

The Axiom Mission 3 crew wave at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA, ready for launch. European Space Agency (ESA) project astronaut Marcus Wandt is part of Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) alongside Walter Villadei from Italy, Alper Gezeravcı from Türkiye and Michael López-Alegría, representing both USA and Spain as a dual-citizen.

The Ax-3 launch is scheduled for January 18, 2024 at 16:49 local time (21:49 GMT/22:49 CET).

ESA project astronaut Marcus Wandt will be launched in this spacecraft alongside Walter Villadei from Italy, Alper Gezeravcı from Türkiye and Michael López-Alegría, representing both USA and Spain as a dual-citizen.

During their journey on the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft to the orbital outpost Marcus and Alper will serve as mission specialists, Walter will be the crew’s pilot and Michael will be commander.

Marcus is the first of a new generation of European astronauts to fly on a commercial human spaceflight opportunity with Axiom Space. His mission is supported by ESA and the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA).

The mission, known as Muninn, will officially begin once he enters the Station. The crew onboard will welcome the Ax-3 astronauts, including ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen. Andreas is the current commander of the International Space Station. This will be the first time two Scandinavians live and work together in space.

Marcus will devote much of his time to scientific activities and technology demonstrations that could shape the way we live and work on Earth. In total, he will run around 20 experiments during the two-week mission.

Follow Marcus’s journey on the Muninn website:

Read official biographies of Wendt on the Axiom Space and ESA websites:

Image Credit: ESA - S. Corvaja

Image Date: Jan. 18, 2024

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