
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

China to Launch Record Number of Spaceflights in 2024

China to Launch Record Number of Spaceflights in 2024

China is expected to launch an unprecedented number of spacecraft in 2024 as the country continues to advance its space exploration programs. In January 2024, China launched the Kuaizhou-1A rocket and the world's largest solid rocket Gravity-1, performed the docking of Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft with its space station and completed the vertical return test of a reusable rocket.

In 2024, China plans to launch two cargo spacecraft and two manned spacecraft to its space station.

"According to the plan of this year, the Long March-2F (carrier rockets) will carry out two manned launch missions. The Long March-2F Y18 rocket is in good condition at the launch site and the Y19 rocket has completed its final assembly," said Liu Feng, chief designer of Long March-2F carrier rockets.

In addition, the Chang'e-6 lunar probe is undergoing tests at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Site, and it will land at the far side of the Moon in the first half of the year to carry out the world's first sample collection from the area.

China's commercial space industry is anticipated to experience rapid growth and development this year.

China’s first commercial space launch site in Wenchang, Hainan Province, will see its first flight, and the construction of multiple satellite constellations will be accelerated this year.

GalaxySpace, a Beijing-based commercial satellite maker, is stepping up the research and development of satellites by introducing a slew of assembly robots to cut the development cycle by 80 percent than the traditional manufacturing model.

"A wealth of advanced means such as smart equipment and digital manufacturing can realize a complete manufacturing loop for satellites with the weight ranging from 100kg to 1,000kg, and can meet the annual output of 100 to 150 medium-sized satellites in terms of research and development capacity," said Guo Dabao, technical director of a smart factory in Nantong City under the Galaxyspace.

Credit: China Central Television (CCTV+)

Duration: 2 minute

Release Date: Jan. 21, 2024

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