
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Virgin Galactic 06 Spaceflight Recap: First Ukrainian Woman in Space

Virgin Galactic 06 Spaceflight Recap: First Ukrainian Woman in Space

Congratulations to The First Ukrainian Woman to Fly to Space!
Lina Borozdina, a native of Odessa, became the first Ukrainian to make a tourist flight beyond the Earth on Galactic 06.

Galactic 06, Virgin Galactic’s sixth commercial spaceflight, was launched from Spaceport America, New Mexico, on January 26, 2024, at 10am MT. VSS Unity, the second SpaceShipTwo, transported four passengers: Lina Borozdina, Robie Vaughn, Franz Haider, Neil Kornswiet. The flight reached an apogee of 55.1 miles (~88 km). “Galactic 06’ flight marked the first time all four seats aboard VSS Unity were occupied by private astronauts”.

VSS Unity was commanded by C.J. Sturckow with pilot Nicola Pecile. Michael Masucci commanded mothership VMS Eve joined by pilot Dan Alix.

· Astronaut 023 – Lina Borozdina, Ukraine and Nevada, U.S.

· Astronaut 024 – Robie Vaughn, Texas, U.S.

· Astronaut 025 – Franz Haider, Austria

· Astronaut 026 – Neil Kornswiet, California, U.S.

‘Galactic 06’ Flight Facts

· Take-off Time 10:00 am MT

· Altitude at Release 44,493 ft

· Apogee 55.1 miles

· Top Speed Mach 2.98

· Landing Time 10:56 am MT

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Video Credit: Virgin Galactic

Acknowledgement: SciNews

Duration: 1 minute, 54 seconds

Release Date: Jan. 28, 2024

#NASA #Space #Earth #CommercialSpaceflight #VirginGalactic #SpaceShipTwoVehicle #Galactic06 #VSSUnity #SuborbitalFlight #Astronauts #LinaBorozdina #RobieVaughn #FranzHaider #NeilKornswiet #HumanSpaceflight #SpaceportAmerica #SpaceTourism #NewMexico #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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