
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Antarctic Sea Ice Hits Annual Minimum, Second Lowest On Record | NASA Goddard

Antarctic Sea Ice Hits Annual Minimum, Second Lowest On Record | NASA Goddard

On February 20th, 2024, Antarctic sea ice officially reached its minimum extent for the year. This cycle of growth and melting occurs every year, with the ice reaching its smallest size during the Southern Hemisphere's summer. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, this marks the second-lowest sea ice extent recorded by satellites, reflecting a trend of declining coverage over time.

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)/Scientific Visualization Studio

Grace Weikert (eMITS AMA): Lead Producer

Trent L. Schindler (USRA): Lead Visualizer

Walt Meier (NASA/GSFC): Scientist

Project Support: Katie Jepson (KBR Wyle Services, LLC)

Project Support: Jefferson Beck (eMITS MORI)

Aaron E. Lepsch (ADNET): Technical Support

Duration: 1 minute

Release Date: Feb. 28, 2024

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