
Thursday, February 01, 2024

Lenticularis Cloud over High Tatra Mountains of Slovakia | Earth Science

Lenticularis Cloud over High Tatra Mountains of Slovakia | Earth Science

Photographer Vicktor Belicak: "This beautiful and mesmerizing lenticular cloud display formed over the High Tatra Mountains of Slovakia on December 17, 2023. It began to take shape in the early afternoon and remained in place until nightfall. Near sunset, when the above photo was captured, the lingering Sun's reddened rays further enhanced the majesty of these stacked clouds—a once in a lifetime experience." 

Lenticulars are formed when strong winds blow across complex terrain, causing the water vapor in the air mass to alternately compress, then decompress, and thus condense into shapes which roughly mirror the terrain beneath. They are also near-certain indicators of turbulence.

Technical Details: Nikon D850 camera; 28mm lens/focal length; ISO: 200; f 4.35; 00.10 exposure time.

Image Credit: Vicktor Belicak   

Location: Zdiar, Slovakia Coordinates: 49.2713, 20.2734

Caption Credit: Vicktor Belicak   

Release Date: Jan. 26, 2024

#NASA #Science #Planet #Earth #EarthScience #Atmosphere #Clouds #LenticularClouds #TatraMountains #HighTatras #Slovakia #Europe #Photography #USRA #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #EPoD

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