Saturday, March 09, 2024

View Shenzhou-17 Astronauts on Spacewalk | China Space Station

View Shenzhou-17 Astronauts on Spacewalk | China Space Station

The Shenzhou-17 crew members aboard China's space station completed their second extravehicular mission on Saturday, March 2, 2024, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). Their first extravehicular mission was on Dec. 21, 2023. This mission, lasting about eight hours, was conducted by the trio, Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin with the assistance of a ground team and the China Space Station's robotic arm. The primary objective of this mission was to carry out maintenance on the solar wing of the Tianhe core module, eliminating impacts from collision by microparticles in space.

Following evaluation and analysis, it was determined that the power generation of repaired solar wing was back to normal. This marks the first time that Chinese astronauts have conducted extravehicular maintenance activities on external spacecraft facilities.

Wu Dawei, deputy chief designer of China's manned space program astronaut system commended the astronauts' impeccable performance during the mission.

"The astronauts' performance were flawless. Although it was Jiang Xinlin's first time engaging in extravehicular activities on the robotic arm, he showed composure and remained calm. The coordination between him and fellow astronauts, and with the ground team, was perfect. The mission was completed perfectly following our designed procedures and plans in the whole process," Wu said.

The Shenzhou-17 crew, who arrived at the space station on Oct 26, 2023 for a six-month mission, will continue to carry out a range of space science experiments and technological tests as planned.

Shenzhou-17 is the sixth crew of three astronauts on a mission to the China Space Station. Shenzhou-17 is also the twelfth crewed and seventeenth flight overall of China's Shenzhou spaceflight program.

Shenzhou-17 Crew:

Hongbo Tang (Commander)

Shengjie Tang (Mission Specialist)

Xinlin Jiang (Mission Specialist)

Video Credit: China Manned Space Agency (CMSA)/CCTV

Duration: 2 minutes, 26 seconds

Release Date: March 9, 2024

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