
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Earth & Space Views: Shenzhou-17 Crew | China Space Station

Earth & Space Views: Shenzhou-17 Crew | China Space Station

A set of high-resolution pictures taken by the Shenzhou-17 crew in orbit, was released recently by the China Manned Space Engineering Office.

The three Shenzhou-17 astronauts have nearly completed their six month long-duration mission on China's Tiangong Space Station. The Shenzhou-17 crew launched to the station on October 26, 2023. Shenzhou-17 is the sixth spaceflight to the station. The Shenzhou-18 replacement crew will launch soon.

Shenzhou-17 Crew:

Hongbo Tang (Commander)

Shengjie Tang (Mission Specialist)

Xinlin Jiang (Mission Specialist)

Video Credit : CCTV Video News Agency/China Manned Space Engineering Office

Duration: 1 minute

Release Date: April 23, 2024

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Earth #China #中国 #Shenzhou17 #神舟十七号 #Taikonauts #Astronauts #HongboTang #ShengjieTang #XinlinJiang #SpaceLaboratory #CSS #ChinaSpaceStation #TiangongSpaceStation #中国空间站 #CMSA #国家航天局 #SpaceTechnology #HumanSpaceflight #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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