
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Milky Way Galaxy over Quercy Park in France

The Milky Way Galaxy over Quercy Park in France

Astrophotographer Julien Looten: "For the first Milky Way of the year 2024, I take you to Quercy Park, in the Southwest of France, sometimes nicknamed 'the Quercy's Black Triangle.' It has been renowned since the 2000s for offering one of the most beautiful night skies in France for stargazing. Indeed, the almost complete absence of light pollution, due to the low number of nearby cities and villages as well as the efforts of local officials to turn off streetlights, allows for the admiration and capture of the Milky Way."

"Here is a portrait of the Milky Way, reflected in the calm waters of Lacam Lake!"

"Water is very scarce in Quercy as it easily seeps into the ground . . . This lake was an invaluable source in the Middle Ages for shepherds and their flocks! Capturing this kind of shot is always a challenge; it requires perfectly calm water, without currents or wind, as well as a very clear sky . . . Those conditions were met that evening! Thus, the Milky Way reveals itself both in the sky and in the landscape, for the greatest pleasure of the eyes."

Technical details: Panorama composed of 10 photographs - 13 seconds per shot (no tracking or stacking) - ISO 1600 - Sigma 28mm f/1.4 (f/1.6) - Canon 6D Astrodon Camera 

Causses du Quercy Regional Natural Park

International Dark-Sky Association

Image Credit: Julien Looten

Release Date: April 16, 2024

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Earth #Stars #MilkyWayGalaxy #Galaxy #LightPollution #CitizenScience #Astrophotographer #JulienLooten #Astrophotography #Cosmos #Universe #SolarSystem #QuercyPark #MidiPyrénées #France #STEM #Education

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