Saturday, May 25, 2024

China Long March 2D Rocket Successfully Completes Grid Fin Controlled Re-entry

China Long March 2D Rocket Successfully Completes Grid Fin Controlled Re-entry

A new grid fin landing zone control system carried by China's Long March 2D (two-stage orbital) rocket for satellite launches has successfully completed a series of actions, such as unlocking, unfolding, and controlling commands during the re-entry and return phase of the rocket's first stage, once again achieving precise landing zone control to ensure environmental safety. The grid fin used this time is a whole fin with a backward bending and rear-swept type. This significantly reduces drag and further improves the attitude control ability of the grid fin. The Long March 2D is a two-stage version of the Long March 4 launch vehicle.

Video Credit: China National Space Administration (CNSA)

Duration 30 seconds

Release Date: May 24, 2024

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