Thursday, May 30, 2024

Russian Progress MS-27 Cargo Spacecraft Launch | International Space Station

Russian Progress MS-27 Cargo Spacecraft Launch | International Space Station

A Russian Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle launched the Progress MS-27 spacecraft to resupply the International Space Station (ISS Progress 88 mission) on May 30, 2024, at 09:43 UTC (14:43 local time; 05:43 EDT) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Progress MS-27 will deliver more than three tons of food, fuel, and supplies for the Expedition 71 crew aboard the International Space Station. It is will have a two-day journey to the station with docking planned for June 1, 2024, at 11:47 UTC (07:47 EDT). 

Follow Expedition 71 Updates: 

Expedition 71 Crew
Station Commander: Oleg Kononenko (Russia)
Roscosmos (Russia): Nikolai Chub, Alexander Grebenkin (Russia)
NASA: Tracy Dyson, Matthew Dominik, Mike Barrett, Jeanette Epps

An international partnership of space agencies provides and operates the elements of the International Space Station (ISS). The principals are the space agencies of the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada. The ISS has been the most politically complex space exploration program ever undertaken.

Learn more about the important research being operated on Station:

For more information about STEM on Station:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)

Credit: Roscosmos/NASA TV

Duration: 12 minutes

Release Date: May 30, 2024

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