
Monday, June 24, 2024

Full Video: Chinese-built Reusable Rocket Completes 10-km Vertical Return Test

Full Video: Chinese-built Reusable Rocket Completes 10-km Vertical Return Test

A Chinese reusable carrier rocket completed a 10-kilometer vertical return test Sunday, June 23, 2024. This was the largest vertical return test for a Chinese reusable carrier rocket. This successful vertical takeoff, vertical landing test demonstrates continued progress towards a reusable rocket. 

The test flight began at 13:00 and lasted for about six minutes. The 3.8-meter-diameter rocket, powered by three variable-thrust liquid oxygen-methane rockets, climbed to an altitude of about 12 kilometers before adjusting and descending. The rocket opened its landing pad supports at an altitude of 50 meters and landed slowly but stably on the pad.

This rocket development is led by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, a member of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

This is the first use of the self-developed highly-variable thrust liquid oxygen-methane rocket engine in a 10-kilometer return test, laying a solid foundation for the 4-meter diameter reusable rocket to be tested in 2025.

After this, the development team will carry out a 70-kilometer vertical return test.

This event is the latest marker among several competing Chinese efforts to match and exceed the capabilities of SpaceX and its Falcon 9 rocket for commercial and domestic use on a large scale, combined with rapid rates of rocket production in higher volumes at a lower cost. This will further reduce the costs of payload delivery to Earth orbit and beyond for humanity.

Video Credit: China Central Television (CCTV) Video News Agency 

Duration: 5 minutes

Release Date: June 23, 2024

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