Saturday, August 31, 2024

NASA's ESCAPADE Mars Mission Twin Spacecraft: Built by Rocket Lab

NASA's ESCAPADE Mars Mission Twin Spacecraft: Built by Rocket Lab

Learn more about the two identical spacecraft designed, built, integrated, and tested by Rocket Lab for the University of California Berkeley’s Space Science Laboratory and NASA's ESCAPADE (Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers) Mars Mission.

The ESCAPADE Mars Mission will study the planet's unique hybrid magnetosphere. ESCAPADE will investigate how the solar wind interacts with Mars’ magnetic environment and how this interaction drives the planet’s atmospheric escape. ESCAPADE is set to launch no earlier than late 2024 on Blue Origin's inaugural New Glenn rocket flight. It will take ESCAPADE about 11 months to arrive at Mars after leaving Earth’s orbit.

Learn more about NASA's ESCAPADE:

Video Credit: Rocket Lab 

Duration: 2 minutes, 37 seconds

Release Date: Aug. 30, 2024

#NASA #RocketLab #Space #Astronomy #Science #Star #Sun #SpaceWeather #Planet #Mars #Magnetosphere #Atmosphere #Radiation #Astronauts #ESCAPADEMission #ESCAPADESpacecraft #SolarSystem #SpaceExploration #GSFC #SSL #UCBerkeley #ERAU #AdvancedSpace #BlueOrigin #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

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