
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Apple Core Nebula in Vulpecula: Wide-field View | Digitized Sky Survey 2

Apple Core Nebula in Vulpecula: Wide-field View | Digitized Sky Survey 2

A star field image of the notable planetary nebula Messier 27 to the right of center. The Apple Core Nebula—also known as Messier 27 or NGC 6853—is a typical planetary nebula and is located in the constellation Vulpecula (The Fox). The Apple Core Nebula is about 850 light-years away from Earth and about 1.5 light-years in diameter (although distance and size are very poorly constrained). It was first described by the French astronomer and comet hunter Charles Messier who found it in 1764 and included it as number 27 in his famous list of extended sky objects. The field-of-view is approximately 0.9 x 0.6 degrees.

The Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) is a ground-based imaging survey of the entire sky in several colors of light produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute through its Guide Star Survey group.

Credit: NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), and the Digitized Sky Survey 2
Acknowledgment: Davide De Martin (ESA/Hubble)
Release Date: Dec. 11, 2007

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