Thursday, March 13, 2025

What is a Lunar Eclipse? | The Florida Space Institute

What is a Lunar Eclipse? | The Florida Space Institute

What is a Lunar Eclipse? ‪The Florida Space Institute‬'s Julie Brisset talks about what makes this eclipse so special!  Of course, this can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are exactly or very closely aligned (in syzygy) with Earth between the other two. During these rare events, the full Moon rapidly darkens and then glows red as it enters the Earth's shadow. A small amount of indirect sunlight is still reaching the Moon, passing through Earth's atmosphere, resulting in a reddish hue. This light appears reddish due to the Rayleigh scattering of blue light, the same reason sunrises and sunsets are more orange than during the day.

Dr. Julie Brisset is the Interim Director for the Florida Space Institute and an accomplished researcher in the space field. In 2014, Dr. Brisset earned her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Braunshweig, Germany. Her research focuses on experimental physics, specifically the behavior of dust and ice grains in microgravity conditions, with applications to the early stages of planet formation and the structure and surfaces of small bodies in the Solar System.

The Florida Space Institute, University of Central Florida:

Video Credit: University of Central Florida Office of Research
Duration: 1 minute, 42 seconds
Release Date: March 13, 2025

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