Sunday, July 13, 2014

Here Are The Robots That Could Be Exploring Space For Us In The Future |

Hi-ho! Astronomers discover seven dwarf galaxies | YaleNews

Rosetta: 'Spuds in space' | BBC

After Early Difficulties, ESA-led Mercury Mission on Track for 2016 Launch |

Sun-like Stars Reveal Their Ages | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

"Noctilucent Clouds over London" Video by Christoph Malin

Noctilucent Clouds over London | Astronomy Picture of The Day

Sunrise in Brisbane, Australia Shows Planet-size Sunspots!

LightSail-1 Mission Trailer | The Planetary Society

Mars: 3D view of Hellespontus Montes | DLR

Mars: Color plan view of Hellespontus Montes | DLR

Mars: Perspective view of Hellespontus Montes | ESA

NASA’s Newest Near Earth Network Antenna Is Operational | International Space Fellowship

Astronomers invite you to help name exoplanets and their stars | EarthSky

Bigelow Hires 2 Former NASA Astronauts | Parabolic Arc

Wide field image of the region around two merging galaxies in SDSS J1531+3414 (ground based telescope)