Wednesday, December 10, 2014

NASA Mars Curiosity Rover Report: The Making of Mount Sharp

NASA's Mars Rover Finds Stronger Potential for Life | NYTimes

All That Glitters | Hubble Space Telescope

Madagascar coast | International Space Station

Qhapiya Mountain, Peru | International Space Station

Ship-wave-shaped wave clouds induced by the Crozet Islands, south Indian Ocean | NASA Terra Earth Satellite

NASA ScienceCasts: One Year to Pluto

Cross-Bedding at 'Whale Rock' | NASA Mars Curiosity Rover

NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Clues to How Water Helped Shape Martian Landscape

Lake Titicaca | International Space Station

A Finnish flag on the ISS! | International Space Station

Glorioso Islands | International Space Station

The Southern Andes | International Space Station

NASA Ames: Contributions to Orion/EFT-1 Test Flight

Cassini’s view of Jupiter’s southern hemisphere | ESA/NASA

Ikhana: NASA's Eyes in the Sky (UAS)