Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Fate of Exoplanets around White Dwarf Stars | NOIRLab

The Fate of Exoplanets around White Dwarf Stars | NOIRLab

A short video explaining white dwarf stars and their evolution, and the resulting effects on their planetary systems. A white dwarf is what stars like the Sun become after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel. Near the end of its nuclear burning stage, this type of star expels most of its outer material, creating a planetary nebula. Only the hot core of the star remains. 

Credit: NOIRLab

Duration: 1 minute, 22 seconds

Release Date: June 28, 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Stars #WhiteDwarfs #Exoplanets #Planets #Nebulae #PlanetaryNebulae #StarSystems #PlanetarySystems #SolarSystems #Astrophysics #Cosmos #Universe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Meet the Mars Perseverance Rover's Samples: Montdenier & Montagnac | NASA/JPL

Meet the Mars Perseverance Rover's Samples: Montdenier & Montagnac | NASA/JPL

Meet two of the Martian samples that have been collected and are awaiting return to Earth as part of the Mars Sample Return campaign. As of late June 2023, NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover has collected and sealed 20 scientifically selected samples inside pristine tubes. The next stage is to get them back for study.

Considered one of the highest priorities by the scientists in the Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032, Mars Sample Return would be the first mission to return samples from another planet and provides the best opportunity to reveal the early evolution of Mars, including the potential for ancient life. NASA is teaming with the European Space Agency (ESA) on this important endeavor.

Learn more about Samples No. 2 and 3–“Montdenier” and “Montagnac”–the first pair of rock cores collected by Perseverance, which were taken from an igneous rock on the floor of Jezero Crater. Scientists believe that detailed analysis of these samples could help them piece together the timeline of the area’s past, which was marked by volcanic activity and periods of persistent water.

Read about all the carefully selected samples:

Learn more about the Mars Sample Return campaign: 

A key objective for Perseverance's mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet's geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, as well as be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith (broken rock and dust).

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Duration: 1 minute, 24 seconds

Release Date: June 28, 2023

#NASA #ESA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Mars #RedPlanet #Planet #Astrobiology #Geology #PerseveranceRover #Mars2020 #MarsSampleReturn #MSR #JezeroCrater #Robotics #Technology #Engineering #JPL #UnitedStates #Europe #MoonToMars #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Students Explore Climate Data in New Ways | NASA's New Earth Information Center

Students Explore Climate Data in New Ways | NASA's New Earth Information Center

Local students can be seen taking in the sights—and data—at an Earth Information Center (EIC) student engagement event, Friday, June 23, 2023, at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The Earth Information Center is a new immersive experience that combines live data sets with innovative data visualization and storytelling to show visitors how our planet is changing.

The center gives a whole Earth view down to local information, from temperatures in our cities to sea level rise, greenhouse gas emissions to agricultural productivity. Visit this hybrid exhibit in person at NASA Headquarters in Washington or online.

Image Credit: NASA/Keegan Barber

Editor: Monika Luabeya

Release Date: June 26, 2023

#NASA #Space #Satellites #Planet #Earth #Environment #Atmosphere #Land #Agriculture #Oceans #Climate #ClimateChange #GlobalHeating #GreenhouseGases #Science #EIC #Exhibits #Learning #Students #Teachers #Educators #Families #NASAHQ #WashingtonDC #UnitedStates #STEM #Education

Jellyfish Galaxy JO206 "Under the Sea" | Hubble

Jellyfish Galaxy JO206 "Under the Sea" | Hubble

The jellyfish galaxy JO206 trails across this image from the NASA/European Space Agency Hubble Space Telescope, showcasing a colorful star-forming disc surrounded by a pale, luminous cloud of dust. A handful of bright stars with criss-cross diffraction spikes stand out against an inky black backdrop at the bottom of the image. JO206 lies over 700 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Aquarius, and this image of the galaxy is the sixth and final instalment in a series of observations of jellyfish galaxies.

Credit: European Space Agency (ESA)/Hubble & NASA, M. Gullieuszik and the GASP team  

Duration: 30 seconds

Release Date: June 26, 2023

#NASA #Hubble #Astronomy #Space #Science #Galaxy #JellyfishGalaxy #JO206 #Aquarius #Constellation #Cosmos #Universe #HST #SpaceTelescope #ESA #Europe #GSFC #STScI #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

A Dishevelled Irregular Galaxy in Pegasus: NGC 7292 | Hubble

A Dishevelled Irregular Galaxy in Pegasus: NGC 7292 | Hubble

The galaxy NGC 7292 billows across this image from the NASA/European Space Agency Hubble Space Telescope, accompanied by a handful of bright stars and the indistinct smudges of extremely distant galaxies in the background. It lies around 44 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Pegasus.

Credit: European Space Agency (ESA)/Hubble & NASA, C. Kilpatrick  

Duration: 30 seconds

Release Date: June 26, 2023

#NASA #ESA #Astronomy #Hubble #Space #Science #Galaxies #Galaxy #NGC7292 #Supernova #SN1964H #Pegasus #Constellation #Cosmos #Universe #HST #SpaceTelescope #GSFC #STScI #UnitedStates #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Is NASA Mining Asteroids? We Asked a NASA Expert

Is NASA Mining Asteroids? We Asked a NASA Expert

Is NASA mining asteroids? No, NASA is not in the business of mining asteroids, but we do love to study them. 

This year, NASA's Psyche Mission launches to a unique metal-rich asteroid to study what appears to be the exposed nickel-iron core of an early planet, one of the building blocks of our solar system. However, the science we gain from missions like this could one day benefit future humans in cosmic mining and resource endeavors.

And in September 2023, NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission will deliver an asteroid sample back to Earth. Analysis from the sample may help improve future asteroid missions:

Explore more:

NASA’s Psyche mission: and

Credit: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Producers: Jessica Wilde, Scott Bednar

Editor: James Lucas

Duration: 1 minute

Release Date: June 28, 2023

#NASA #Astronomy #Science #Space #Asteroids #OSIRISRExMission #NickelIronAsteroids #PsycheMission #PsycheSpacecraft #Technology #Engineering #Robotics #Earth #Planets #SolarSystem #SpaceMining #CommercialSpace #SpaceExploration #MaxarTechnologies #JPL #Caltech #ASU #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Surprisingly STEM: Space Tire Engineer Heather Oravec | NASA Glenn

Surprisingly STEM: Space Tire Engineer Heather Oravec | NASA Glenn

Where we’re going, we don’t need roads . . . but we still need tires! In this episode, we rolled on over to NASA’s Glenn Research Center where engineer Heather Oravec is reinventing the wheel—literally! Heather explains her work in creating wheels intended for use on other celestial bodies, such as the Moon, and how she got traction in this unique career.

Get your engineering wheels spinning with this hands-on activity:

Or, if you’re ready to hit the road with your own version of an off-planet vehicle, check out NASA’s Human Exploration Rover Challenge: 

We’re launching STEM Engagement to new heights with learning resources that connect teachers, students, parents and caregivers to the inspiring work at NASA. Join us as we apply science, technology, engineering and mathematics to explore space, improve aeronautics, examine Earth and strive to land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon with the Artemis program. 


Duration: 5 minutes

Release Date: June 28, 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Engineering #Technology #Robotics #RoboticVehicles #Tires #Wheels #Engineer #HeatherOravec #WomenInSTEM #Pioneers #SpaceResearch #Moon #Mars #SolarSystem #SpaceExploration #NASAGlenn #Cleveland #Ohio #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Planet Mars: Aram Chaos, Reconsidered | NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Planet Mars: Aram Chaos | NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Aram Chaos is terrain that is located within a massive 280 kilometer-diameter crater. It consists of darker volcanic rocks that were disrupted as a result of water and/or magma withdrawal in the subsurface. Some of the materials made up of different kinds of sulfates that formed when water filled the crater. Aram Chaos lies at the eastern end of the large canyon Valles Marineris and close to Ares Vallis. Various geological processes have reduced it to a circular area of chaotic terrain.

This clip uses the enhanced color red-green-blue filter of the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera. Blue in enhanced color images often represents basalt, indicating a volcanic origin. 

This is a non-narrated clip with ambient sound. Image is less than 1 km (under a  mile) across and the spacecraft altitude was 271 km (168 mi). 

The HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) captured these images.

MRO is led by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which is a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California.

Image Acquisition Date:

April 19, 2022

Local Mars time:


Latitude (centered):


Longitude (East):


Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

Duration: 3 minutes

Release Date: June 27, 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Mars #Planet #RedPlanet #Science #Geology #Landscape #Terrain #Geoscience #AramChaos #Crater #VolcanicRocks #Water #Sulfates #MRO #Orbiter #Spacecraft #HiRISE #HiRISECamera #JPL #Caltech #UniversityOfArizona #BallAerospace #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Sagittarius Star Cloud: Messier 24

Sagittarius Star Cloud: Messier 24

Unlike most entries in Charles Messier's famous catalog of deep sky objects, M24 is not a bright galaxy, star cluster, or nebula. It is a gap in nearby, obscuring interstellar dust clouds that allows a view of the distant stars in the Sagittarius spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. Direct your gaze through this gap with binoculars or small telescope and you are looking through a window over 300 light-years wide at stars some 10,000 light-years or more from Earth. Sometimes called the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud, M24's luminous stars fill this gorgeous starscape. Covering over 3 degrees or the width of 6 full moons in the constellation Sagittarius, the telescopic field of view includes dark markings B92 and B93 near center, along with other clouds of dust and glowing nebulae toward the center of the Milky Way.

Image Credit & Copyright: Emmanuel Astronomono

Emmanuel's Instagram Page:

Release Date: June 28, 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #M24 #Messier24 #SmallSagittariusStarCloud #MilkyWayGalaxy #Cosmos #Universe #Telecope #Astrophotography #EmmanuelAstronomono #ObservatorioAstronómicoOriente #Mexico #STEM #Education #APoD

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

SpaceX Starship 25 Six-engine Static Fire Test at Starbase Texas

SpaceX Starship 25 Six-engine Static Fire Test at Starbase Texas


"Starship is essential to both SpaceX’s plans to deploy its next-generation Starship system as well as for NASA, which will use a lunar lander version of Starship for landing astronauts on the moon during the Artemis III mission through the Human Landing System (HLS) program."

Key Starship Parameters:

Height: 120m/394ft

Diameter: 9m/29.5ft

Payload to LEO: 100 – 150t (fully reusable)

Satellites: "Starship is designed to deliver satellites further and at a lower marginal cost per launch than our current Falcon vehicles. With a payload compartment larger than any fairing currently in operation or development, Starship creates possibilities for new missions, including space telescopes even larger than the James Webb."

Starship's Engines: Raptors

"The Raptor engine is a reusable methalox staged-combustion engine that powers the Starship launch system. Raptor engines began flight testing on the Starship prototype rockets in July 2019, becoming the first full-flow staged combustion rocket engine ever flown."

Raptor Engine Parameters:

Diameter: 1.3m/4ft

Height: 3.1m/10.2ft

Thrust: 230tf/500 klbf

Download the Free Starship User Guide (PDF):

Image Credit: Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX)

Image Capture Date: June 26, 2023

#NASA #SpaceX #Space #Earth #Mars #Moon #MoonToMars #ArtemisProgram #ArtemisIII #Starship #StarshipS25 #EngineTest #Spacecraft #SuperHeavyRocket #ElonMusk #GwynneShotwell #Science #Technology #Engineering #HumanSpaceflight #CommercialSpace #SolarSystem #SpaceExploration #Starbase #BocaChica #Texas #UnitedStates #STEM #Education

Mars Images: June 22-26, 2023 | NASA's Curiosity & Perseverance Rovers | JPL

Mars Images: June 22-26, 2023 | NASA's Curiosity & Perseverance Rovers | JPL

Mars2020 - sol 832 - PipploIMP

Mars2020 - sol 832
MSL - sol 3866
MSL - sol 3866
MSL - sol 3866
Mars2020 - sol 831
MSL - sol 3869

Celebrating 10 Years+ on Mars (2012-2023)

Mission Name: Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)

Rover Name: Curiosity

Main Job: To determine if Mars was ever habitable to microbial life. 

Launch: Nov. 6, 2011

Landing Date: Aug. 5, 2012, Gale Crater, Mars

Celebrating 2+ Years on Mars (2021-2023)

Mission Name: Mars 2020

Rover Name: Perseverance

Main Job: Seek signs of ancient life and collect samples of rock and regolith (broken rock and soil) for possible return to Earth.

Mars Helicopter (Ingenuity)

Launch: July 30, 2020    

Landing: Feb. 18, 2021, Jezero Crater, Mars

For more information on NASA's Mars missions, visit:

Image Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Arizona State University/Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS)

Processing of Image 1: PipploIMP

Processing of Images 2-7: Kevin M. Gill

Image Release Dates: June 22-26, 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Mars #RedPlanet #Planet #Astrobiology #Geology #CuriosityRover #MSL #MountSharp #GaleCrater #PerseveranceRover #Mars2020 #IngenuityHelicopter #JezeroCrater #Robotics #Technology #Engineering #JPL #Caltech #ASU #MSSS #UnitedStates #MoonToMars #CitizenScience #PipploIMP #KevinGill #STEM #Education

Fires in Canada 2023 | Landsat Earth Satellites | USGS

Fires in Canada 2023 | Landsat Earth Satellites | USGS

Smoke filled the skies over western Canada and even much of the United States in May 2023. The source was several wildfires in Alberta and British Columbia.

Near the end of May, rain and cooler temperatures finally brought some relief for the out-of-control fires.

Learn more about the USGS Landsat Program:

Credit: United States Geological Survey (USGS)

Duration: 2 minutes

Release Date: June 27, 2023


#NASA #USGS #Space #Satellites #Planet #Earth #Climate #ClimateChange #GlobalHeating #GreenHouseGases #LandsatProgram# #Landsat7 #Landsat8 #Landsat9 #Canada #WesternCanada #Alberta #BritishColumbia #Smoke #Fires #Wildfires #Environment #RemoteSensing #EarthObservation #GSFC #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Recientemente: Presentamos nuestro nuevo Centro de Información de la Tierra

Recientemente: Presentamos nuestro nuevo Centro de Información de la Tierra

Recientemente en la NASA, la versión en español de las cápsulas This Week at NASA, te informa semanalmente de lo que está sucediendo en la NASA. 

Para obtener más información sobre la ciencia de la NASA, suscríbete al boletín semanal: 

Ciencia de la NASA:

Credit: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Duration: 3 minutes

Broadcast Date: June 23, 2023

Release Date: June 27, 2023

#NASA #Space #NASAenespañol #español #Satellites #Science #Asteroid #Bennu #OSIRISRExMission #JWST #Exoplanets #Planet #Earth #Oceans #Climate #Weather #Meterology #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GlobalHeating #GreenhouseGases #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Planet Mars: New Ultraviolet Views | NASA’s MAVEN Mission

Planet Mars: New Ultraviolet Views | NASA’s MAVEN Mission

Full-disk view of Mars in UV light, colorized; a deep purple hue dominates the top part of the image, with other cratered surface features showing in hazy, muted tones of brown and dark green (January 2023)

Full-disk View of Mars in UV light, colorized; a bright white ice cap shines at the bottom of the frame, with other cratered surface features appearing dull, hazy brown and blue (July 2022)

NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) mission acquired stunning views of Mars in two ultraviolet images taken at different points along our neighboring planet’s orbit around the Sun. By viewing the planet in ultraviolet wavelengths, scientists can gain insight into the Martian atmosphere and view surface features in remarkable ways. MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) instrument obtained these global views of Mars in 2022 and 2023 when the planet was near opposite ends of its elliptical orbit.

The IUVS instrument measures wavelengths between 110 and 340 nanometers, outside the visible spectrum. To make these wavelengths visible to the human eye and easier to interpret, the images are rendered with the varying brightness levels of three ultraviolet wavelength ranges represented as red, green, and blue. In this color scheme, atmospheric ozone appears purple, while clouds and hazes appear white or blue. The surface can appear tan or green, depending on how the images have been optimized to increase contrast and show detail.

The second image was taken in July 2022 during the southern hemisphere’s summer season, which occurs when Mars passes closet to the Sun. The summer season is caused by the tilt of the planet’s rotational axis, similar to seasons on Earth. Argyre Basin, one of Mars’ deepest craters, appears at bottom left filled with atmospheric haze (depicted here as pale pink). The deep canyons of Valles Marineris appear at top left filled with clouds (colored tan in this image). The southern polar ice cap is visible at bottom in white, shrinking from the relative warmth of summer. Southern summer warming and dust storms drive water vapor to very high altitudes, explaining MAVEN’s discovery of enhanced hydrogen loss from Mars at this time of year.

The first image is of Mars’ northern hemisphere and was taken in January 2023 after Mars had passed the farthest point in its orbit from the Sun. The rapidly changing seasons in the north polar region cause an abundance of white clouds. The deep canyons of Valles Marineris can be seen in tan at lower left, along with many craters. Ozone, which appears magenta in this UV view, has built up during the northern winter’s chilly polar nights. It is then destroyed in northern spring by chemical reactions with water vapor, which is restricted to low altitudes of the atmosphere at this time of year.

MAVEN launched in November 2013 and entered Mars’ orbit in September 2014. The mission’s goal is to explore the planet’s upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and interactions with the Sun and solar wind to explore the loss of the Martian atmosphere to space. Understanding atmospheric loss gives scientists insight into the history of Mars' atmosphere and climate, liquid water, and planetary habitability. The MAVEN team is preparing to celebrate the spacecraft’s 10th year at Mars in September 2024.

Image Credits: NASA/Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder)

Story Credit: Willow Reed

Release Date: June 22, 2023

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Planet #Mars #Atmosphere #Ultraviolet #UV #MAVENMission #MAVENSpacecraft #SolarSystem #SpaceExploration #GSFC #LASP #CUBoulder #UnitedStates #STEM #Education

The Sky around The 'Smiling Cat' Nebula: Sh2-284 | ESO

The Sky around The 'Smiling Cat' Nebula: Sh2-284 | ESO

This image shows a dark area of night sky, speckled only lightly with the white and blue glow of stars. In the very center is the orange cloud of the Sh2-284 nebula within our Milky Way Galaxy. 
Distance: 15,000 light-years

This picture was created from images in the Digitized Sky Survey 2.

Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO)/Digitized Sky Survey 2

Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin

Release Date: June 27, 2023

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #Nebulae #Nebula #Sh2284 #Stars #Dolidze25 #Monoceros #Constellation #MilkyWayGalaxy #Cosmos #Universe #VLTSurveyTelescope #ParanalObservatory #Chile #SouthAmerica #Italy #Italia #Europe #STEM #Education

Zooming into The 'Smiling Cat' Nebula: Sh2-284 | European Southern Observatory

Zooming into The 'Smiling Cat' Nebula: Sh2-284 | European Southern Observatory

This video takes us on a journey into the Sh2-284 nebula, some 15,000 light-years away from Earth. Here, in vast clouds of gas and dust, new stars are being born. Meanwhile, giant pillars, light-years across, are formed as winds from the young stars batter the surrounding material.

At its center, there is a cluster of young stars, dubbed Dolidze 25. The radiation from this cluster is powerful enough to ionize the hydrogen gas in the nebula’s cloud. It is this ionization that produces its bright orange and red colors.

Video Credits: ESO, N. Risinger, DSS, VPHAS+ team
Acknowledgement: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU)
Duration: 50 seconds
Release Date: June 27, 2023

#NASA #ESO #Astronomy #Space #Science #Nebulae #Nebula #Sh2284 #Stars #Dolidze25 #Monoceros #Constellation #MilkyWayGalaxy #Cosmos #Universe #VLTSurveyTelescope #ParanalObservatory #Chile #SouthAmerica #Italy #Italia #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video