Thursday, July 25, 2024

NASA Artemis II Moon Mission Core Stage Arrives at Kennedy Space Center

NASA Artemis II Moon Mission Core Stage Arrives at Kennedy Space Center

Yesterday, ground teams at NASA's Kennedy Space Center offloaded the second core stage from the Pegasus barge and transported the future Artemis II launch vehicle to the historic Vehicle Assembly Building.

Like the rockets before it, this core stage will undergo final testing and outfitting before it launches humanity back into lunar orbit.

Check the NASA Artemis II Mission page for updates:

For more information about SLS, visit:

Video Credit: Boeing Space

Duration: 2 minutes

Release Date: July 25, 2024

#NASA #ESA #CSA #Space #Moon #ArtemisProgram #ArtemisIIMission #ArtemisII #SLS #SLSCoreStage #Boeing #DeepSpace #Astronauts #MoonToMars #Science #SpaceExploration #HumanSpaceflight #NASAKennedy #VAB #Spaceport #Florida #UnitedStates #Canada #Europe #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Smoky Skies across North America | NASA Earth Observatory

Smoky Skies across North America | NASA Earth Observatory

  July 17 - 24, 2024

In July 2024, wildland fires in Canada billowed smoke that drifted across North America. A stretch of extreme heat, coupled with windy conditions and thunderstorms, helped spur the ignition and expansion of fires in several Canadian provinces. As of July 24, 989 fires actively burned in Canada, with over half of those occurring in British Columbia or Alberta, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.

This animation  highlights the concentration and movement of wildfire smoke from July 17–24, 2024. It shows black carbon particles—commonly called soot—from Canadian fires sweeping broadly across North American skies during that period. Black carbon signatures from fires in Oregon and Washington are also prominent.

The black carbon data come from NASA’s GEOS forward processing (GEOS-FP) model, which assimilates data from satellites, aircraft, and ground-based observing systems. In addition to making use of satellite observations of aerosols and fires, GEOS-FP also incorporates meteorological data like air temperature, moisture, and winds to project the plume’s behavior.

Wildfire activity in British Columbia and Alberta intensified throughout the period shown in the animation, as unsettled weather entered the region. High winds and thunderstorms, on top of record-high temperatures in places, created prime conditions for wildfires. The B.C. Wildfire Service reported 20,000 lightning strikes on July 21 and 38,000 on July 22, with most of those strikes occurring in the northeast part of the province and the rest in the south-central portion.

The storms resulted in scores of new fires and multiple evacuations from towns and public lands. Smoke from the hundreds of active fires drifted across the country and south into the central United States. Smoky skies and poor air quality were reported in multiple states, including North Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, and Wisconsin.

Multiple fires in Jasper National Park in Alberta caused up to 25,000 visitors and residents to leave the area on July 23, according to news reports. 

Video Credit: NASA Earth Observatory images by Wanmei Liang, using GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA GSFC and VIIRS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE, GIBS/Worldview, and the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). 

Article Credit: Lindsey Doermann

Duration: 5 seconds

Release Date: July 25, 2024

#NASA #Space #Satellites #JPSS #Science #Earth #Planet #Canada #Alberta #BritishColumbia #Wildfires #Smoke #ClimateChange #GlobalHeating #Atmosphere #AirQuality #Weather #Meteorology #EarthObservation #RemoteSensing #GSFC #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #Animation #HD #Video

An Intriguing Mars Rock Discovered by NASA's Perseverance Rover | JPL

An Intriguing Mars Rock Discovered by NASA's Perseverance Rover | JPL

NASA’s Perseverance rover discovered “leopard spots” on a vein-filled, reddish rock nicknamed “Cheyava Falls” in Mars’ Jezero Crater during July 2024. Scientists think the spots may indicate that, billions of years ago, the chemical reactions in this rock could have supported microbial life; other explanations are being considered. 

Analysis by instruments aboard the rover indicates the rock possesses qualities that fit the definition of a possible indicator of ancient life. The rock exhibits chemical signatures and structures that could possibly have been formed by life billions of years ago when the area being explored by the rover contained running water.

The rock—the rover’s 22nd rock core sample—was collected on July 21, 2024, as the rover explored the northern edge of Neretva Vallis, an ancient river valley measuring a quarter-mile (400 meters) wide that was carved by water rushing into Jezero Crater long ago.

For more about NASA's Perseverance rover:

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Duration: 1 minute 

Release Date: July 25, 2024

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Mars #RedPlanet #Planet #Astrobiology #MicrobialLife #CheyavaFalls #BrightAngel #Geology #PerseveranceRover #Mars2020 #JezeroCrater #Robotics #SpaceTechnology #SpaceEngineering #JPL #Caltech #ASU #MSSS #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Finds Intriguing Mars Rock | JPL

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Finds Intriguing Mars Rock | JPL

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover captured this image of a rock nicknamed "Cheyava Falls" on July 18, 2024, the 1,212th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. Running the length of the rock are large white calcium sulfate veins. Between those veins are bands of material whose reddish color suggests the presence of hematite, one of the minerals that gives Mars its distinctive rusty hue. Scientists are particularly interested in the millimeter-size, irregularly shaped light patches on the central reddish band (from lower left to upper right of the image) that are surrounded by a thin ring of dark material, akin to leopard spots. Spotting of this type on sedimentary terrestrial rocks can occur when chemical reactions involving hematite turn the rock from red to white. Those reactions can also release iron and phosphate, possibly causing the black halos to form, and they can be an energy source for microbes, hence the association between such features and microbes in a terrestrial setting.

The same image with annotations pointing out the leopard spots and olivine in the rock.
“Cheyava Falls” (left) shows the dark hole where NASA’s Perseverance took a core sample; the white patch is where the rover abraded the rock to investigate its composition. A rock nicknamed “Steamboat Mountain” (right) also shows an abrasion patch. This image was taken by Mastcam-Z on July 23, 2024. 
NASA’s Perseverance rover used its Mastcam-Z instrument to capture this 360-degree panorama of a region on Mars called “Bright Angel,” where an ancient river flowed billions of years ago. “Cheyava Falls” was discovered in the area slightly right of center, about 361 feet (110 meters) from the rover.

NASA’s Perseverance rover discovered “leopard spots” on a reddish rock nicknamed “Cheyava Falls” in Mars’ Jezero Crater in July 2024. Scientists think the spots may indicate that, billions of years ago, the chemical reactions in this rock could have supported microbial life; other explanations are being considered. 

A vein-filled rock is catching the eye of the science team of NASA’s Perseverance rover. Nicknamed “Cheyava Falls” by the team, the arrowhead-shaped rock contains fascinating traits that may bear on the question of whether Mars was home to microscopic life in the distant past.

Analysis by instruments aboard the rover indicates the rock possesses qualities that fit the definition of a possible indicator of ancient life. The rock exhibits chemical signatures and structures that could possibly have been formed by life billions of years ago when the area being explored by the rover contained running water. Other explanations for the observed features are being considered by the science team, and future research steps will be required to determine whether ancient life is a valid explanation.

The rock—the rover’s 22nd rock core sample—was collected on July 21, 2024, as the rover explored the northern edge of Neretva Vallis, an ancient river valley measuring a quarter-mile (400 meters) wide that was carved by water rushing into Jezero Crater long ago.

“We have designed the route for Perseverance to ensure that it goes to areas with the potential for interesting scientific samples,” said Nicola Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “This trip through the Neretva Vallis riverbed paid off as we found something we’ve never seen before, which will give our scientists so much to study.”

Multiple scans of Cheyava Falls by the rover’s SHERLOC (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals) instrument indicate it contains organic compounds. While such carbon-based molecules are considered the building blocks of life, they also can be formed by non-biological processes.

“Cheyava Falls is the most puzzling, complex, and potentially important rock yet investigated by Perseverance,” said Ken Farley, Perseverance project scientist of Caltech in Pasadena. “On the one hand, we have our first compelling detection of organic material, distinctive colorful spots indicative of chemical reactions that microbial life could use as an energy source, and clear evidence that water — necessary for life — once passed through the rock. On the other hand, we have been unable to determine exactly how the rock formed and to what extent nearby rocks may have heated Cheyava Falls and contributed to these features.”

Other details about the rock, which measures 3.2 feet by 2 feet (1 meter by 0.6 meters) and was named after a Grand Canyon waterfall, have intrigued the team, as well.

How Rocks Get Their Spots

In its search for signs of ancient microbial life, the Perseverance mission has focused on rocks that may have been created or modified long ago by the presence of water. That’s why the team homed in on Cheyava Falls.

“This is the kind of key observation that SHERLOC was built for — to seek organic matter as it is an essential component of a search for past life,” said SHERLOC’s principal investigator Kevin Hand of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which manages the mission.

Running the length of the rock are large white calcium sulfate veins. Between those veins are bands of material whose reddish color suggests the presence of hematite, one of the minerals that gives Mars its distinctive rusty hue.

When Perseverance took a closer look at these red regions, it found dozens of irregularly shaped, millimeter-size off-white splotches, each ringed with black material, akin to leopard spots. Perseverance’s PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry) instrument has determined these black halos contain both iron and phosphate.

“These spots are a big surprise,” said David Flannery, an astrobiologist and member of the Perseverance science team from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. “On Earth, these types of features in rocks are often associated with the fossilized record of microbes living in the subsurface.”

Spotting of this type on sedimentary terrestrial rocks can occur when chemical reactions involving hematite turn the rock from red to white. Those reactions can also release iron and phosphate, possibly causing the black halos to form. Reactions of this type can be an energy source for microbes, explaining the association between such features and microbes in a terrestrial setting.

In one scenario the Perseverance science team is considering, Cheyava Falls was initially deposited as mud with organic compounds mixed in that eventually cemented into rock. Later, a second episode of fluid flow penetrated fissures in the rock, enabling mineral deposits that created the large white calcium sulfate veins seen today and resulting in the spots.

Another Puzzle Piece

While both the organic matter and the leopard spots are of great interest, they aren’t the only aspects of the Cheyava Falls rock confounding the science team. They were surprised to find that these veins are filled with millimeter-size crystals of olivine, a mineral that forms from magma. The olivine might be related to rocks that were formed farther up the rim of the river valley and that may have been produced by crystallization of magma.

If so, the team has another question to answer: Could the olivine and sulfate have been introduced to the rock at uninhabitably high temperatures, creating an abiotic chemical reaction that resulted in the leopard spots?

“We have zapped that rock with lasers and X-rays and imaged it literally day and night from just about every angle imaginable,” said Farley. “Scientifically, Perseverance has nothing more to give. To fully understand what really happened in that Martian river valley at Jezero Crater billions of years ago, we’d want to bring the Cheyava Falls sample back to Earth, so it can be studied with the powerful instruments available in laboratories.”

More Mission Information

A key objective of Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including caching samples that may contain signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, to help pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet and as the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith.

NASA's Mars Sample Return Program, in cooperation with ESA (European Space Agency), is designed to send spacecraft to Mars to collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis.

The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed for the agency by Caltech, built and manages operations of the Perseverance rover.

For more about Perseverance:

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Release Date: July 25, 2024

#NASA #Space #Astronomy #Science #Mars #RedPlanet #Planet #Astrobiology #MicrobialLife #CheyavaFalls #BrightAngel #Geology #PerseveranceRover #Mars2020 #JezeroCrater #Robotics #SpaceTechnology #SpaceEngineering #JPL #Caltech #ASU #MSSS #UnitedStates #STEM #Education

Ariane 6: Development of Europe’s Largest Rocket | European Space Agency

Ariane 6: Development of Europe’s Largest Rocket | European Space Agency

The first half of 2024 saw hundreds of people across Europe building and preparing Europe’s new heavy-lift rocket—Ariane 6.

Huge engines, boosters and outer shells met tiny screws, electrical boards and masses of supercooled fuel. All this came together at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, for the spectacular first launch of Ariane 6 on July 9, 2024, restoring Europe’s access to space.

Get a glimpse at the teamwork, skill, and care that went into this moment over many months, in this montage of Ariane 6 images, videos and timelapse photography spanning January 30 to July 9, 2024.

Learn more about Ariane 6:

Video Credit: European Space Agency

Duration: 8 minutes

Release Date: July 25, 2024

#NASA #ESA #Space #Arianespace #Ariane6 #Ariane6Rocket #HeavyLift #RocketLaunch #FlightVA262 #Satellites #Science #GuianaSpaceCentre #Spaceport #Kourou #FrenchGuiana #SouthAmerica #France #CNES #ArianeGroup #SpaceTechnology #Europe #History #STEM #Education #HD #Video

NASA Conducts 2nd Full-Scale Inflatable Habitat Burst Pressure Test

NASA Conducts 2nd Full-Scale Inflatable Habitat Burst Pressure Test

NASA, Sierra Space, and ILC Dover recently conducted the second full-scale ultimate burst pressure test on Sierra Space’s Large Integrated Flexible Environment (LIFE) habitat using testing capabilities at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

The inflatable module is planned to be used for human habitation in orbit, including on Blue Origin’s commercial space station, Orbital Reef, as part of NASA’s Commercial Low Earth Orbit Development Program, managed by NASA's Johnson Space Center. NASA’s commercial strategy for low Earth orbit will provide the government with reliable and safe services at a lower cost and enable the agency to focus on Artemis missions to the Moon in preparation for Mars, while also continuing to use low Earth orbit as a training and proving ground for those deep space missions.

Learn more about Sierra Space's Life habitat technology:

For more information about NASA’s commercial low Earth orbit strategy, visit:

Video Credit: NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

Duration: 27 seconds

Release Date: July 25, 2024

#NASA #Space #SierraSpace #ILCDover #SpaceStations #CommercialSpace #CommercialSpaceStations #LIFEHabitat #HumanSpaceflight #SpaceTechnology #Engineering #Earth #LEO #DeepSpace #SolarSystemExploration #MSFC #Huntsville #Alabama #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #HD #Video

NASA Artemis II Moon Rocket Core Stage Moved to Vehicle Assembly Building

NASA Artemis II Moon Rocket Core Stage Moved to Vehicle Assembly Building

NASA’s massive 212-foot long Space Launch System (SLS) core stage was offloaded from the agency’s Pegasus Barge on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, after arriving at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Teams with Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) have transferred the rocket stage to the spaceport’s Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to prepare it for integration atop the mobile launcher ahead of the Artemis II Moon Mission launch.

Check the NASA Artemis II Mission page for updates:

For more information about SLS, visit:

Image Credits: NASA/Cory Huston/Isaac Watson/Ben Smegelsky/Kim Shiflett

Image Dates: July 24, 2024

#NASA #ESA #CSA #Space #Moon #ArtemisProgram #ArtemisIIMission #ArtemisII #SLS #SLSCoreStage #DeepSpace #Astronauts #VictorGlover #ChristinaKoch #JeremyHansen #ReidWiseman #MoonToMars #Science #SpaceExploration #HumanSpaceflight #NASAKennedy #VAB #Spaceport #Florida #UnitedStates #Canada #Europe #STEM #Education

NASA's "Espacio a Tierra" | Imágenes: 19 de julio 2024

NASA's "Espacio a Tierra" | Imágenes: 19 de julio 2024

Espacio a Tierra, la versión en español de las cápsulas Space to Ground de la NASA, te informa semanalmente de lo que está sucediendo en la Estación Espacial Internacional.

Aprende más sobre la ciencia a bordo de la estación espacial:

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Ciencia de la NASA:

Video Credit: NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Duration: 4 minute, 42 seconds

Release Date: July 24, 2024

#NASA #Space #Earth #ISS #Science #NASAenespañol #español #SpaceTechnology #SpaceLaboratory #Engineering #Astronauts #UnitedStates #Cosmonauts #Russia #Россия #Roscosmos #Роскосмос #HumanSpaceflight #InternationalCooperation #Expedition71 #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New Evidence of Water on Moon's Surface | China Chang'e-5 Lunar Mission

New Evidence of Water on Moon's Surface China Chang'e-5 Lunar Mission

A team of Chinese scientists has identified in a lunar sample, retrieved by the Chang'e-5 Moon Mission in 2020, a kind of mineral enriched with water in its molecular structure. An increasing body of evidence has pointed to the existence of water or water ice on the Moon's surface. However, it is more likely to be in the form of hydroxyl groups.

Now, scientists led by those from the Institute of Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences have discovered a hydrated mineral that contains up to six molecules of crystalline water. According to a study published recently in the journal Nature Astronomy, water molecules weigh as much as about 41 percent of the total mass.

The researchers said this discovery signifies the first direct detection of molecular water within the lunar regolith, shedding light on an actual form of water molecules and ammonium on the Moon's surface.

The mineral's structure and composition bear a striking resemblance to a mineral found near volcanoes on Earth. At the same time, terrestrial contamination or rocket exhaust has been ruled out as the origin of this hydrate, according to the study.

This finding has unveiled a potential form in which water molecules may exist on the lunar surface: hydrated salts. Unlike volatile water ice, these hydrates are very stable in high-latitude regions of the moon, even in sunlit areas.

The origin and chemical form of lunar water had remained elusive, despite extensive laboratory research on lunar samples collected by NASA's Apollo mission dating from the 1960s and 1970s.

The researchers said China's discovery opens up new possibilities for the future development and utilization of lunar water resources.

Utilizing in-situ resources on the Moon will lay a foundation for establishing a long-term lunar station. China aims to build the basic model of an international lunar research station by 2035.

Chang'e-5 Moon Landing Site: Mons Rümker, region of Oceanus Procellarum—a vast lunar mare on the western edge of the near side of the Moon.

The Chang'e-5 lunar sample return mission was the first of its kind since the Soviet Union's Luna 24 in 1976. This successful mission made China the third country to return samples from the Moon after the United States and the former Soviet Union.

Video Credit: China Central Television (CCTV)

Duration: 1 minute, 45 seconds

Release Date: July 24, 2024

#NASA #China #中国 #Space #Astronomy #Science #Moon #Water #H2O #Change5Mission #嫦娥五号 #CNSA #中国国家航天局 #SampleReturnMission #Spacecraft #Orbiter #Lander #Ascender #Robotics #SpaceTechnology #Engineering #SolarSystem #SpaceExploration #CAS #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Image of Cold Exoplanet 12 Light-years Away | James Webb Space Telescope

Image of Cold Exoplanet 12 Light-years Away | James Webb Space Telescope

An international team of astronomers using the NASA/European Space Agency/Canadian Space Agency James Webb Space Telescope have directly imaged an exoplanet roughly 12 light-years from Earth. While there was indirect evidence that the planet existed, it had not been confirmed until Webb imaged it. The planet is one of the coldest exoplanets observed to date.

The planet, known Epsilon Indi Ab, is several times the mass of Jupiter and orbits the K-type star Epsilon Indi A (Eps Ind A). It is around the age of our Sun, but slightly cooler. The team observed Epsilon Indi Ab using the coronagraph on Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument). A coronagraph is used to block out the direct light from a star so that any nearby objects—otherwise hidden in the star's bright glare—can be resolved. Only a few tens of exoplanets have been directly imaged previously by space- and ground-based observatories.

“Our prior observations of this system have been more indirect measurements of the star, which actually allowed us to see ahead of time that there was likely a giant planet in this system tugging on the star,” said team member Caroline Morley of the University of Texas at Austin. “That's why our team chose this system to observe first with Webb.”

“This discovery is exciting because the planet is quite similar to Jupiter—it is a little warmer and is more massive, but is more similar to Jupiter than any other planet that has been imaged so far,” added lead author Elisabeth Matthews of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany.

A Solar System analog

Previously imaged exoplanets tend to be the youngest, hottest exoplanets that are still radiating much of the energy from when they first formed. As planets cool and contract over their lifetime, they become significantly fainter and therefore harder to image.

“Cold planets are very faint, and most of their emission is in the mid-infrared,” explained Matthews. “Webb is ideally suited to conduct mid-infrared imaging, which is extremely hard to do from the ground. We also needed good spatial resolution to separate the planet and the star in our images, and the large Webb mirror is extremely helpful in this aspect.”

Epsilon Indi Ab is one of the coldest exoplanets to be directly detected, with an estimated temperature of 2 degrees Celsius—colder than any other imaged planet beyond our Solar System, and colder than all but one free-floating brown dwarf [1]. The planet is only around 100 degrees Celsius warmer than gas giants in our Solar System. This provides a rare opportunity for astronomers to study the atmospheric composition of true solar system analogs.

“Astronomers have been imagining planets in this system for decades; fictional planets orbiting Epsilon Indi have been the sites of Star Trek episodes, novels, and video games like Halo,” added Morley. “It's exciting to actually see a planet there ourselves, and begin to measure its properties.”

Not quite as predicted

Epsilon Indi Ab is the twelfth closest exoplanet to Earth known to date and the closest planet more massive than Jupiter. The science team chose to study Eps Ind A because the system showed hints of a possible planetary body using a technique called radial velocity. It measures the back-and-forth wobbles of the host star along our line of sight.

“While we expected to image a planet in this system, because there were radial velocity indications of its presence, the planet we found isn't what we had predicted,” shared Matthews. “It’s about twice as massive, a little farther from its star, and has a different orbit than we expected. The cause of this discrepancy remains an open question. The atmosphere of the planet also appears to be a little different than the model predictions. So far we only have a few photometric measurements of the atmosphere, meaning that it is hard to draw conclusions, but the planet is fainter than expected at shorter wavelengths.”

The team believes this may mean there is significant methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the planet’s atmosphere that are absorbing the shorter wavelengths of light. It might also suggest a very cloudy atmosphere.

The direct imaging of exoplanets is particularly valuable for characterization. Scientists can directly collect light from the observed planet and compare its brightness at different wavelengths. So far, the science team has only detected Epsilon Indi Ab at a few wavelengths, but they hope to revisit the planet with Webb to conduct both photometric and spectroscopic observations in the future. They also hope to detect other similar planets with Webb to find possible trends about their atmospheres and how these objects form.

Science Paper: 


[1] This brown dwarf, known as Wise 0855, was discovered in 2014, and has been observed by Webb.

Image Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, STScI, E. Matthews (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)

Release Date: July 24, 2024

#NASA #ESA #Astronomy #Space #Star #HIP65426 #Exoplanet #Planet #EpsilonIndiAb  #Atmosphere #Indus #Constellation #Science #JamesWebb #WebbTelescope #JWST #MIRI #Universe #UnfoldTheUniverse #Europe #CSA #Canada #GSFC #STScI #UnitedStates #Infographic #STEM #Education

Carriacou Island Before & After Hurricane Beryl | NASA Earth Observatory

Carriacou Island Before & After Hurricane Beryl | NASA Earth Observatory

Carriacou Island on July 6, 2024, after Hurricane Beryl: Many areas that were dark green before the hurricane turned brown in its aftermath. Note that built-up portions of the island appear less defined in the post-hurricane image. This may be due to flooding and scattered debris from damaged infrastructure. This image was acquired by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on the Landsat 8 satellite.
Carriacou Island on June 20, 2024, before Hurricane Beryl: This image was acquired by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on the Landsat 8 satellite.
Views of Carriacou Island on June 20, 2024 (left) and July 6, 2024 (right)before and after Hurricane Beryl, respectively. This comparison offers another way of viewing Beryl’s effects on vegetation on Carriacou and several smaller Grenadine islands. The images are false color, made up of shortwave infrared, near-infrared, and red light collected by Landsat 8 (bands 6, 5, 4). With this band combination, healthy plants appear bright green because they reflect near-infrared light. As on Carriacou, areas of vegetation on surrounding islands have lost their bright-green signature, suggesting widespread harm.

Hurricane Beryl first made landfall as a Category 4 storm on Carriacou Island on the morning of July 1, 2024. With maximum sustained winds of 150 miles (240 kilometers) per hour, the storm damaged practically all of the structures on the island, affecting its entire population, according to reports. Rough seas and air control tower outages hindered aid responses immediately after the storm.

After crossing the Grenadine islands, the hurricane swept west across the Caribbean, where it brought strong winds and dangerous storm surge to Jamaica and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula before making landfall in Texas as a Category 1 storm. Beryl flooded streets, tore roofs off homes, and knocked out power and communications for millions of people along its path.

The powerful storm also devastated forests on Carriacou. 

Hurricanes frequently disturb temperate and tropical forests in coastal regions of North and Central America. High winds blow leaves off trees and snap branches, and when combined with heavy rain, they more easily uproot trees from saturated soils.

Carriacou’s vegetation consists primarily of deciduous and dry thorn-scrub forests. Due to the island’s relatively low topographic relief, little of the plant life would likely have been spared from Beryl’s raging winds, said Jess Zimmerman, a professor of ecology at the University of Puerto Rico. Zimmerman has studied how tree composition changes after hurricanes. “All vegetation would have been defoliated,” he said. “Thus, the brown [seen in the image] is the exposed wood.”

Changes to mangrove stands on the coasts of Carriacou and Union islands are evident, if subtle, in the false-color imagery. Mangroves are networks of hardy trees and shrubs that help prevent coastal erosion, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and provide habitat for fish and other marine animals. Extreme storms can defoliate and uproot mangrove trees, block drainage to the ocean, and cause flooding that affects soil oxygen concentrations and hinders photosynthesis.

The darker appearance of mangrove areas in the July 6 image suggests they might have taken on water from the storm. (Dark areas elsewhere on the islands are the shadows cast by clouds.) Previous studies have suggested that mangroves’ ability to drain may be linked to their resilience. According to a 2021 analysis incorporating airborne lidar and satellite imagery, Florida mangroves in well-drained areas began resprouting within one year of Hurricane Irma, whereas poorly drained sites saw diebacks.

Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory images by Michala Garrison, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Article Credit: Lindsey Doermann

Release Date: July 10, 2024

#NASA #Space #Satellites #Science #Planet #Earth #Meteorology #Weather #HurricaneBeryl #CarriacouIsland #GrenadineIslands #Grenada #CaribbeanSea #AtlanticOcean #LandsatProgram #Landsat8 #OLI #USGS #ClimateChange #GlobalHeating #Climate #Environment #GreenhouseGases #EarthObservation #RemoteSensing #GSFC #UnitedStates #STEM #Education

NASA Artemis II Moon Rocket Core Stage Arrives at Kennedy Space Center

NASA Artemis II Moon Rocket Core Stage Arrives at Kennedy Space Center

NASA’s Pegasus barge, carrying the agency’s massive Space Launch System (SLS) core stage, arrives at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Complex 39 turn basin wharf in Florida on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, after journeying from the agency’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. The core stage is the next piece of Artemis hardware to arrive at the spaceport and will be offloaded and moved to NASA Kennedy’s Vehicle Assembly Building, where it will be prepared for integration ahead of the Artemis II launch.

The core stage for the SLS mega rocket is the largest stage NASA has ever produced. At 212 feet tall, the stage consists of five major elements, including two huge propellant tanks that collectively hold more than 733,000 gallons of super chilled liquid propellant to feed four RS-25 engines at its base. During launch and flight, the stage will operate for just over eight minutes, producing more than 2 million pounds of thrust to help send a crew of four astronauts inside NASA’s Orion spacecraft onward to the Moon. All the major structures for every SLS core stage are fully manufactured at NASA Michoud.

NASA is working to land the first woman, first person of color, and its first international partner astronaut on the Moon under Artemis. SLS is part of NASA’s backbone for deep space exploration, along with the Orion spacecraft and Gateway in orbit around the Moon and commercial human landing systems, next-generation space, next-generational spacesuits, and rovers on the lunar surface. SLS is the only rocket that can send Orion, astronauts, and supplies to the Moon in a single launch.

Check the NASA Artemis II Mission page for updates:

For more information about SLS, visit:

Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Image Date: July 23, 2024

#NASA #ESA #CSA #Space #Moon #ArtemisProgram #ArtemisIIMission #ArtemisII #SLS #SLSCoreStage #DeepSpace #Astronauts #VictorGlover #ChristinaKoch #JeremyHansen #ReidWiseman #MoonToMars #Science #SpaceExploration #HumanSpaceflight #NASAKennedy #Spaceport #Florida #UnitedStates #Canada #Europe #STEM #Education

Planet Earth: Noctilucent Clouds | International Space Station

Planet Earth: Noctilucent Clouds | International Space Station

Noctilucent clouds, high-altitude clouds visible during the summer months and illuminated when the sun is below Earth's horizon, are pictured from the International Space Station as it orbited 259 miles above the Pacific Ocean south of Alaska. Noctilucent clouds, or night shining clouds, are the highest clouds in Earth's atmosphere, composed of tiny water ice crystals.

Also known as polar mesospheric clouds, noctilucent clouds form in a part of the atmosphere roughly 50 to 86 kilometers (30 to 54 miles) above the surface of our planet. Their high altitude allows them to reflect sunlight after the Sun has set. These clouds long puzzled the researchers that studied them. They wondered how they formed. The clouds’ behavior has become more mysterious over the past two decades as the clouds have begun to shine more brightly and to appear at lower latitudes than they did before.

Scientists recently discovered that polar stratospheric clouds, long known to play an important role in Antarctic ozone destruction, are occurring with increasing frequency in the Arctic. These high altitude clouds form only at very low temperatures and help to destroy ozone in two ways. They provide a surface that converts benign forms of chlorine into reactive, ozone-destroying forms, and they remove nitrogen compounds that moderate the destructive impact of chlorine. In recent years, the atmosphere above the Arctic has been colder than usual, and polar stratospheric clouds have lasted longer. As a result, ozone levels have been decreasing.

Expedition 71 Updates:

Expedition 71 Crew
Station Commander: Oleg Kononenko (Russia)
Roscosmos (Russia): Nikolai Chub, Alexander Grebenkin (Russia)
NASA: Tracy Dyson, Matthew Dominick, Mike Barrett, Jeanette Epps
NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore

An international partnership of space agencies provides and operates the elements of the International Space Station (ISS). The principals are the space agencies of the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada. The ISS has been the most politically complex space exploration program ever undertaken.

Learn more about the important research being operated on Station: 

For more information about STEM on Station:

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)

Image Credit: NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Image Date: July 16, 2024

#NASA #Space #ISS #Science #Planet #Earth #Atmosphere #Clouds #Noctilucent #NoctilucentClouds #PacificOcean #SpaceTechnology #SpaceLaboratory #Engineering #Astronauts #UnitedStates #Cosmonauts #Russia #Россия #Roscosmos #Роскосмос #HumanSpaceflight #InternationalCooperation #Expedition71 #STEM #Education

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

China's Shenzhou-18 Astronauts Conduct Emergency Drill & Replace Samples

China's Shenzhou-18 Astronauts Conduct Emergency Drill & Replace Samples

Nearly halfway through their mission, the Shenzhou-18 crew members aboard China's orbiting space station have finished a range of tasks including replacing experimental samples, conducting a comprehensive emergency drill and undergoing psychological assessments after completing their second spacewalk in early July 2024.

In addition to swapping samples inside the container-less materials laboratory cabinet and fluid physics experiment cabinet, astronauts replaced the filter window of the plug-in in the combustion science experiment cabinet. Going forward, they will carry out research on boiling heat transfer and enhancement mechanisms.

A research on In-orbit Emotion Recognition and Evaluation of Astronauts was conducted. The crew members filled out questionnaires including "Mood States" and "Positive and Negative Emotional States" on a computer and completed color preference tests and emotional picture tests to help the ground team explore the impact of long-term space missions on astronaut psychological health.

To enhance emergency preparedness, they also staged a system-wide drill last week in collaboration with the ground team. This involved the whole process of emergency response to a simulated scenario where China's Tiangong space station is hit by space debris and faces internal decompression. After an alarm was raised, they made quick adjustments and started finding the source of the leak and successfully plugged it with the help of engineers on Earth.

The Shenzhou-18 trio was launched on April 25, 2024, to the orbiting Tiangong space station for a six-month mission as the third manned mission in the application and development stage of China's space station, and the 32nd flight mission of the country's overall crewed space program.

Shenzhou-18 Crew:

Ye Guangfu (叶光富, commander)

Li Cong (李聪, mission specialist)

Li Guangsu (李广苏, mission specialist)

Video Credit: CCTV Video News Agency

Duration: 1 minute, 14 seconds

Release Date: July 21, 2024

#NASA #Space #Science #Earth #China #中国 #Shenzhou18 #神舟十八 #ScientificExperiments #SpaceDebris #EmergencyDrills #Taikonauts #Astronauts #YeGuangfu #LiCong #LiGuangsu #CSS #ChinaSpaceStation #中国空间站 #TiangongSpaceStation #SpaceLaboratory #CMSA #国家航天局 #HumanSpaceflight #STEM #Education #HD #Video

Merging Galaxies in Delphinus: ZW II 96 | Hubble Space Telescope

Merging Galaxies in Delphinus: ZW II 96 | Hubble Space Telescope

This is a system of merging galaxies with a bizarre shape. Powerful young starburst regions hang as long threadlike structures between the main galaxy cores. The system almost qualifies as an ultraluminous system, but has not yet reached the late stage of coalescence that is the norm for most ultraluminous systems. Zw II 96 is located in the constellation of Delphinus, the Dolphin, about 500 million light-years away from Earth.

Credit: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration and A. Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University)

Release Date: April 24, 2008

#NASA #ESA #Astronomy #Space #Science #Galaxy #Galaxies #IIZW96 #IRAS205501656 #LEDA65779 #InteractingGalaxies #Delphinus #Constellation #HST #SpaceTelescopes #Cosmos #Universe #Europe #GSFC #STScI #UnitedStates #STEM #Education

Model Behavior: Visualizing Global Carbon Dioxide | NASA Goddard

Model Behavior: Visualizing Global Carbon Dioxide | NASA Goddard

This global map of carbon dioxide was created using a model called GEOS, short for the Goddard Earth Observing System. GEOS is a high-resolution weather reanalysis model, powered by supercomputers, that is used to represent what was happening in the atmosphere—including storm systems, cloud formations, and other natural events. This model pulls in billions of data points from ground observations and satellite instruments—and has a resolution is more than 100 times greater than your typical weather model.

Video Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)/Scientific Visualization Studio

Producer, Narration: Katie Jepson (KBR Wyle Services, LLC)

Scientist: Lesley Ott (NASA/GSFC)

Scientist: Brad Weir (USRA)

Writer: Jenny Marder Fadoul (Telophase)

Visualizer: A. J. Christensen (AVL NCSA/University of Illinois)

Technical Support: Aaron E. Lepsch (ADNET Systems, Inc.)

Duration: 1 minute, 51 seconds

Release Date: July 23, 2024

#NASA #Space #Satellites #Science #Planet #Earth #Atmosphere #OCO2Observatory #GlobalCO2Emissions #ClimateModels #ClimateChange #GlobalHeating #Climate #Environment #GreenhouseGases #GHG #EarthObservation #RemoteSensing #Supercomputers #GSFC #UnitedStates #STEM #Education #Visualization #HD #Video